organic hydro in medialess setup?


Well-Known Member
Will this work? Im gonna use all organic nutes for my next run, but I'm also going to use a setup that doesn't use any media (no hydroton, no perlite, nothing), just net pots with neoprene inserts... But from what I understand, w/o media the beneficial microbes won't be able to congregate on the root ball... am I right or am I missing something. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Soil is much better for organics for the reason you mentioned. Microbes need a medium to colonize. Living soil is true organics meaning there are no bottles involved. The mix houses a full array of microbes in a soil food web. These organisms break down the mix itself and based on exudate communication with the roots, feed the plant exactly what it needs when it needs it. No hydro farmer can do this, which is why the living organic meds are the best in quality of the resin; flavor, potency, and full genetic expression. You don't know what the genetics can do but nature does! The microbes are the communication and processing link. Read the ROLS thread and change your life, spend less money on your garden and YOU reap the benefit, not the hydro store and the nute companies, etc.

To answer your question simply, No it will not work. You are applying the synthetic mindset yet wanting organic produce. You must develop an organic ag mindset to truly free yourself and your plants from the bottles and meters, etc. Do it, it will be totally a different way to interact with your plants and you will learn a lot about the real workings of nature in the process. IMO we all need to learn much more of nature's way