organic question


Well-Known Member
Does all organic soil all have ferts in it? and if not or if yes can I add my own organic ferts and what if I added a chemical fert to organic soil what would happen?

from what I found was adding the NPK to a organic setup will cause the organic medium to break down and release more micro nutes.. If i used spagnum peat moss is that considered organic too?

If this is to tuff I might consider using rockwool in a pot hand watered with hydro nutes.

I just was a low cost way to go, and I am using MG potting soil now and I really dont like it much. Next time I want to go organic or rockwool soiless.

But let me know about how to use organic medium how to feed and what to feed> asaskin fish ferts is in my local store and it has low numbers and I know this would be good. If I used my MG liquid ferts 7-6-5 at half strength would be the same as the alaska fish stuff would that work for organic?


Well-Known Member
Does all organic soil all have ferts in it?
Well, if there is organic matter (composted leaves, peat moss or bark mulch) yes, mine has lots and varied: chicken manure, mulch, bone meal, alf alfa meal, bat guano.

and if not or if yes can I add my own organic ferts and what if I added a chemical fert to organic soil what would happen?
I add more fertilizer to my soil by top dressing and compost tea all the time, every watering in fact. Sometimes I'll mix a tblsp. bat guano, a tbsp. boxed mixed organic fertilizer, a pinch of dolomite lime put it in a medicine bottle with some water, shake it up, dump it on my soil, then water it in.
If you add chemical fertilizer.......the world as we know it...will end.....(kidding). When chemical fertilizers are added the health of soil microbes suffers. Mycorrhizal fungi are the key to growing plants organicly, chemicals in doses needed by plants for vigorous growth are fatal to the mycorrhizal fungi.
This is why I try to grow organically as possable, a plant that gets it's nutrients in the most natural way possable is a better plant (example: an organicly grown apple tastes much better than a non-organically grown one. I get a better high and better tasting weed when i grow organicly. IMHO)

Seems some reading on your part might be a good idea. Subcools thread can give you an idea what it is all about. Some links:
Organic Production and Organic Food: Information Access Tools
Fungi Perfecti®: MycoGrow™ mycorrhizal products
Rock-wool and hydro nutes? more pain than organicly grown stuff anyday.