Organic Soil /Methods Q&A


Well-Known Member
ok let start first off you always always gotta expiriment don't let some1 tell you to the T what to do.

Dabeatgoeson... if you wanna mix your soil and add those amendments later use them as a top dressing or make a tea with them.

Eyesableed that dirt sound nice but you may wanna mix with an indoor potting soil and becareful not to feed the plant something that will kill you earthworms in the soil or it bye bye to all your babies..

WWVMD- use molasses your last 3 weeks of flowering till you see how much your plants will actually eat, if you have a prob with stretch plants in veg you may wanna try some molasses to strengthin cell tissue

greenthumb111, 2 tbs humic acid per 5gal cont, 1 tps kelpmeal a gal.