Organic Tea...


Well-Known Member
I mix up my own organic tea...i was wondering if it is ok to use tea that has been sitting for a couple weeks>


Well-Known Member
Everything that i have read has said not to use past a week, unless you keep bubbling it and feeding the microbes, but if it doesnt stink then i would think it is ok.


Well-Known Member
Deesbarrett... Don't use it for Mary - it's sour. Instead, contribute it to the compost pile and start a fresh batch. If kept bubbling, organic fertilizer teas will last & last. Just sitting unrefrigerated, it goes sour in 72 hours. Refrigerating it will stretch that out to 5 to 7 days.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real...Organic....


Well-Known Member
That depends on how often you water and how strong your mix is to start off with but prolly not

Maybe if you were trying to do a grow with just tea you would a weak tea at every water but that would be alot more work then necessary.


Active Member
Dido... I'm always interested in learning more about organics and teas.

Do this mean the beneficial bacteria is dead in the processed products by the time you buy it and use it? i.e. Fox Farms Big Bloom or Botanicare Liquid Karma