

Active Member
okay so here is the story. I have a ebb and flow system. I use fox farm nuts with the fox farm feeding schedule. I have my pump set to feed them 15 minutes of every hour. I was 5 1/2 weeks in to the grow, 1 1/2 weeks into 12/12. And much to my dismay the hose connected to my pump, which was about 1cm too short, became disconnected for about 14 hours (most of the time the lights were off). so I reconnected the hose. That was about a week and a half ago. So initially it looked like only the largest plaint died. but now in the past 48 hours 2 that had looked fine have made a turn for the worse and are really starting to drupe, like they will be dead tomorrow or the next day. And another one is looking how they were looking three or four days ago. so that leaves me with one, mostly healthy looking, runt.

I suppose its worth mentioning that I have the plaints in 10cm square pots. The one other time I grew in this system I started in the 10cm pots them moved them to the 13cm before changing to 12/12. I was hoping I could use the 10cm pots because my watering table is only 6dmx6dm.

so, all of that said, have I done unrepairable damage to my plaints?
Was the correct response to such a blunder to turn the lights back on 24?
Is there anything I can do now, or could have done at any point?
Can I in fact use the 10cm pots for my whole grow, or do I indeed need to switch to the 13cm pots for more root space?



Active Member
You definitley need more root space. A lot more. How tall are the plants? How tall were they when you switched the lights to 12/12?


Active Member
Probably about 3dm when I changed the lights, about 6 now. I had 8 healthy plaints before the drought. The drought definitely took one, three were fellas. if the small pots give me small plaints I can dig that, but dead plaints are not cool at all.


Active Member
I realize it doesn't seem like allot of space in the pot, but the roots grow out through holes on the bottom, and basically cover the watering table.