outdoor mids


Well-Known Member
is there a way to keep them from growing into tall monsters instead i need shorty bushy ones is this possible by any means? thanks in advance +rep 4 ur help


Well-Known Member
It's a simple procedure. To top it, all you need to do is snip off the top. Find the newest node on the top cola and cut about 3 nodes under it. This will trick the plant into growing it's side branches into main colas.

As for training, what they're talking about is LST. If you're outdoor, is shoud be simple. Throw some stakes in the ground in a circle around your plant. Take some rope, twine, string, or whatever and loop one edge around the stump. This will anchor the plant for what you're about to do. Then VERY SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY bend the plant over until it's pretty much horizontal. You can do this without actually popping the trunk or branches, you just need to be gentle. Slow and steady wins the race. When you have it bent over, use some more twine to tie it to another stake so it stays that way. The plant will eventually (usually within a couple hours) start growing back toward the light source, but some of it will still be bent over. The side branches on the horizontal part of the plant will now grow as if they were main colas.

Here is a picture of a young plant being LST'd

Here are some pictures of a plant I topped and LST'd at the same time.


It had about 6 colas and pulled 1 1/2 oz dry.

LST and topping are great ways to increase yield and reduce height if you've got an out-of-control plant.