Paint my walls blue?


New Member
Ok I got to thinking if marijuana in the veg. State need blue spectrum lighting
And painting the walls white will act as a reflector

Will painting them blue reflect blue light spectrum?

Think of it this way if you shine a red light on a blue surface the light reflecting back will be blue also since light reflection is how our eyes see what color the object is

I'm experimenting with this on my plants repainting them again but red during the flowering stage

I will keep you updated on how things turn up

Thoughts or opinions??


Active Member
It would be a negligible amount at best. Not worth the money to paint it. Idk much at growing at all. I'm on my girst real, non hidden grown , now. But this qusstion doesn't need a growing background to answer :)


Active Member
Holy cow, my grammar was terrible! I was on my phone [like now], and didn't preview while writing it.


New Member
That's the thing no money went Into it time a little So if it does work and technically it should it will provide a cheap way to grow weed