Partial FLower room is Ready


Here it is guys, The long awaited Pete Flowering Room :) its only ready with 1 rail right now, later this week all 4 rails will be ready and pumping water, i got 12 plants seen here that are ready to be moved into flower today, they Vegged for 2 weeks and 2 days. i started a Clearex flush yesterday and will have run for 24 hours today when I get off work.

Here are the Plants that are ready for Flowering.

Here are the pics of the flowering room as you see we are using 8 foot posts with 6 holes in each post, the holes are 16" apart to let the plants grow there full potential in size with the most space i can supply. Let me know if you see anything i should change. i am using a 633 pump and will have ice bottles in there to keep cool if need be. these are run on 14 gal res to give more height space.

Here you can see the lights on the light rails and also the exhaust fans and duct work, were testing a new way of running the lights on the light rail, we are not venting them out the room but instead running 4 6" fans that will turn on when the room reaches 78 degrees and drop the temp back down to 73 degrees, the ac will be running also when the temps get high using an air-1 controller.

Water returning to the res, did i make the lid right?

there is 24 Master Kush are in the cloner, so far 6 have rooted and the rest are folling, each day a few more are showing roots, the best 12 will go into veg while i wait for the others to be ready and to give me time to finish the rest of the room. These will be sitting under 4 1000w lights on movers, so 2 lights will be at the west end and 2 lights at the east end. so there will always be light on all the plants no matter where the light above that station is actually moving.