Pelletized lime versus powdered lime


Well-Known Member
I have a question concerning lime. I am half way through planting my outdoor crop for 2022 (East coast of Canada). This is the recipe I use for growing :

8 cups bonemeal
4 cups bloodmeal
1 1/3 cups epsom salts
4 cups lime
4 cups kelp
25 lb. worm castings
bale of Sunshine Mix #4

I have used this for many years and have always used powdered lime. This year all I can find for sale is pelletized lime . Should I worrry about substituting the pelletized lime ?
I have a question concerning lime. I am half way through planting my outdoor crop for 2022 (East coast of Canada). This is the recipe I use for growing :

8 cups bonemeal
4 cups bloodmeal
1 1/3 cups epsom salts
4 cups lime
4 cups kelp
25 lb. worm castings
bale of Sunshine Mix #4

I have used this for many years and have always used powdered lime. This year all I can find for sale is pelletized lime . Should I worrry about substituting the pelletized lime ?
Be glad for it. Had to do the same here a couple of years ago. Fewer pH issues later. If I were smarter I’d figure out the amounts of both to use together. Powdered for some early adjustment and pellets for later.
Couldn’t you crush it ? You’d have a mix.
Dont crush it! It's pelletized for a reason. Slow release. Crush it up and it'll spike your ph fast as f and good luck fixing it. I use pelletized all the time. Prefer it over powder. Like hotrod said, powder is tough to judge. It can change things quickly. Pellets will break down slowly overtime keeping the medium at a happy level.