Perlite on top soil turned yellow from light


Well-Known Member
not uncommon. I wouldn't worry much about it. How old are the plants, and have you introduced any nutes? That can also slightly discolor soiless mixes


Well-Known Member
Im going to wait for the sprout to be a week old before introducing nutes, I figure its just the light.


Active Member
I don't see why light would turn perlite any color

Perlite is inert, so nothing grows on it, but when you put it on soil + get it wet, this creates a good home for many microorganisms. It's probably a fungus or bacteria of some sort.. nothing to worry about either way.


Well-Known Member
some of my perlite has turned orange-ish yellowish on top. but my plants are doing fine. microbes are good at decomposing matter and releasing nutrients back into the soil. i doubt it is an issue.

happy trails!


Well-Known Member
I'd bet that the perlite you used was Miracle grow with time release ferts in it or some other time release fert perlite.


Well-Known Member
That sucks,i learned the hard way,could never get my ph stable,when i transplanted i used clean non time release perlite & got the ph stable.

Transplant asap & stop using the time release stuff.


Active Member
That sucks,i learned the hard way,could never get my ph stable,when i transplanted i used clean non time release perlite & got the ph stable.

Transplant asap & stop using the time release stuff.

Right on. time release stuff is no good. And they are impossibe to be flushed for harvesting.


Active Member
It could be a problem!. It is possible that the peat makes the perllite a bit yellow, however, there is also a fungi that does the same thing. This fungus does not really harm mature plants, however seedlings are affected if you dont kill the fungus. I would use some neem oil especially if you see any of leaves have edges or tips that are getting yellow or brown. Base of the stem could show the same problem. I would buy some neem oil anyways ( I dont work for the company and I am a not a neem oil sales man) just in case you see any fungus and bacterial pest infestation. I is good to stop those bastards quick before they spread even if they seem harmless.