Persisting problem... CaMg? nute lockout? overfert?

I was wondering if anybody could tell me what this could possibly be? It happened right after my first feeding of nutes, since then ive done mainly water, then starting adding nutes again after awhile as the problem persisted. i then flushed it and tried using CaMg. Nothing seems to be changing it and I dont know what to do.


Active Member
pic #1 looks like a little nute burn and the others look to me like some fungus starting . how is your rh and do you let the soil dry out before watering again????
IMAG0136.jpgThe problem is affecting the whole plant, as you can see, and it has gone from the older leaves and is getting affecting younger and younger leaves. I have trimmed a lot of the affected leaves off, and otherwise the plant seems to be thriving.


Well-Known Member
Re-pot it into a good soil mix with a nice blend of nutrients already in the soil, i.e. fox farms or roots organics. Water with ph'd and bubbled tap water and wait. She will be a new girl in about 10 days.