Well-Known Member
Let's say my soil PH is 5.6. Should I flush with water that is 7.0 or should I adjust it to 7.8 to bring the PH back up?
Will the affected leaves recover?
Will the affected leaves recover?
Get some Dolomite Lime, mix 1 tablespoon per sq. ft. of soil. and do what he says to get your PH up'd. The lime will keep everything balanced to some degree. You want to still keep your water at the set point (never higher then 7.8 like 906breeder says).As long as your soil itself (The Mix itself) isnt a ph of 5.6 then yes flushing with bring it up. Never adjust higher tho, the 7.8 would be a very unwise move, exspecially from a 5.5 to a 7.8, might as well pour vinegar on them you know, just flush and wait, try to bring her back up to close to 6.8 ish. 5.7 isnt super low, thats what hydro is usually dialed at. I personally keep my soil grow around 6.2 so that gives you an idea, and my soil girls look pretty healthyView attachment 957871