PH question


Please keep answers short and to the point, I've had a few strokes and my comprehension gets all twisted when a lot of useless info is included, I get confused basically.
My question is this, If my water ph going in is at 6.5 and my runoff is coming out at 7.8, should I bring the water ph down to 5.5? I ph water after nutes are added, so, it's at 6.5 when I'm pouring it in the dirt. How do I bring this down to acceptable ranges and how long does it take to see results. I just started 3 days ago using ph down to adjust the ph.. This has only happened in two out of 5 plants that were plant in the same ocean forest soil.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Your ph is fine do nothing at all. Don't ph your nutes just add them at a super low strength & only every other watering. Give your plants straight water in between or even more often than that. Your FFOF soil is ph balanced; the soil itself regulates the ph. Adjusting the ph of the water or nute solution will not affect the actual soil ph which must be checked with a probe to be accurate but even that is unecessary.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
don't worry about soil ph run off . your doing it correct . always check your ph after you put In nutrients . ok lets say to worried about high soil ph . only way to lower this is by taking the plant 100 % out of the soil and then put in your proper ph . or the roots will soak up the lower ph before it changes the soil ph . therefore affecting the plants ph . other words I have never checked my plants soil ph .waste of time my opinion . there may be a lot of opinions on this . if your not having any problems don't look for ones .


Well-Known Member
If you water is good no need to ph ,i aint ph'ed for years.But i do spend time on getting my water right i fill a 20 ltr bucket with water straight from tap then add air stone for 48 hour,Then this is used when the rez is low and then i just repeat,I could not even tell you my ph,but ec or ppm is a must


The plants not doing to hot, I'll post a picture at lights on, yellowing with nasty brown spots that are crusty dry. Absolutely no bugs. I have a microscope and checked thoroughly. Spots showed up when runoff ph spiked to mid and high 7's. That's why I started the ph down. She's in her 4th week of flower.


Well-Known Member
Don't even check your run off in soil. Its just going to create more issues. In fact you don't even really need to do anything with your ph in soil unless you added some nute that really threw your ph way out and even then the soil would probably buffer it.