ph water soil


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I recently decided to step my grow up a gear finally and purchased a quality digital PH meter.
So i calibrated the meter with 7.01 solution then tested my tap water. The results came back as 7.6 (obviously too high?) after adding my veg nutes: 1ml/L biogrow and 2ml/L bioheaven and a sprinkle of Epsom salts the ph was reduced down to 6.8 which sounds about right to me for soil. Please correct if im wrong still learning!

Because i don't feed nutes every watering does this mean i need to ammend the ph of my plain water? and if so which is the best way of doin it (bar buying distilled water)

Thanks in advanced for any responses.
Grade :joint:


Well-Known Member
yes geeze! cheers for the quick reply... so what would you use to ammend the ph? some people have said the ph up/ down can add unwanted chemicals to grows is there anoher more natural way to get the desired ph?
cheers bb420



Well-Known Member
whats this fish ph? is it just an acidic solution? any links? sorry for all the questions pal..


Well-Known Member
whats goin on here??????????? hydro 5.6-6.0(5.8............soil 6.5-7.0(6.8

clones have nuthing to do with what the ph should be


Well-Known Member
right so 6.5 is what i should be aiming for with plain water and with water with nutes in when im grownig in soil. cheers for that chart Leafs.Rule.75 very helpful mayne


Well-Known Member
heres a chart ph chart that shows nutrients avaiblity, i found along my travels...:leaf:
good call on the chart ive seen it around b4 but forgot about it

i always run my soil around 6.8 and have no problems but by the chart it looks like 6.5 is what to shoot for

acctually from the chart 6.5 looks to low to uptake mg and ca and p which are used a lot during flowering


Active Member
right so 6.5 is what i should be aiming for with plain water and with water with nutes in when im grownig in soil. cheers for that chart Leafs.Rule.75 very helpful mayne
No problem Grade...:weed:
And yes for my soilless mix(pro mix) I ph plain water to 6.5 and also the same with nutes, I also check my run off ph once a week too it is usally in the range of 6.4-6.6


Active Member
good call on the chart ive seen it around b4 but forgot about it

i always run my soil around 6.8 and have no problems but by the chart it looks like 6.5 is what to shoot for

acctually from the chart 6.5 looks to low to uptake mg and ca and p which are used a lot during flowering
it close it looks like at 6.5 it just nips the p-ca-mg and also fe-mn 6.6 kinda looks optimal...


Well-Known Member
it close it looks like at 6.5 it just nips the p-ca-mg and also fe-mn 6.6 kinda looks optimal...
yea i think anywhere in that range would be good

i always have run 6.8 with no problems, i looked in jorges book and he says basically the same thing 6.5-7.0. but every book says somthing difrnt, i just go by instinct these days and do ok. + rep for finding the chart and answering the question


Active Member
How about the ph of the soil was that checked, some soil ph is high, should meter your soil, to if it is high and adjust so you don't burn your plant when you start adding nutes and so on to the water.
hey man, i am by no means an expert on this. but I can tell you from personal experience how I have pH'd my water w/ and w/o fertilizer in it. For veg, I mixed my nutes with tap water (that had been sitting out for a while) and pH'd it after they were all in. Then used GH ph up/down to adjust it to (6.3-6.5). For flower I have decided to keep pH at 6.5 as it looks like it's easier for the plant to take up Mg and Ca. If you feed them every other watering, just pH your tap water to whatever pH you have you choose 6.5. It's 6.5 for fertilizer and 6.5 for plain water. Your soil will stay at a constant 6.5. Questions? and always be open to other advice.


Well-Known Member
come on guys your answering a question from almost a year ago the plants are dead by now rather it be harvested or a fail its over, no more, done. the question was answered long ago. let this one go