Pics of My First Babies.. Dryness Help.. Temp Help


Active Member
I have 9 clones growing in a closet. Its 8 ft tall and about 3 ft wide. We have an xtrasun with a high pressure sodium bulb which is 600w. We started the light 2 ft above the plants but noticed that some of the leaves looked dry and yellowish so we raised it to 3 ft. The baby one wilted but we were able to revive it. Some of the leaves still look dry. The temp is about 82 when the light is on and 77 when its off. Is that ok? All help very appreciated. Thanks



Well-Known Member
That's a little too strong a light for clones...get a flouro setup and start your clones under them.

Try to get your temps below 80 if you can...75 is desirable.

What's your hummidty?
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Well-Known Member
Thx for having my back means....SOOO much!!!!kiss-ass

BTW.....WHERE THE FUCK ARE ALL MY PICS FROM MY GALLERY??????????????????:evil::evil:


Well-Known Member
naw man you good just the plants growing their roots using the leafs energy. Just raise the light up alittle and be patient.


Well-Known Member
get that light as close as u can to those plants without burning. if u aint gota temp gage. just use ur top part of ur arm. (more sensitive) and judge. dont raise the light up after the plants are already used to somthing stronger. u want the light as close are posible without getting too hot. about 1 foot. and see whats up


Active Member
first pic is from the 4th.. the others are from just now. We put the runt in the middle cuz we thought she wasnt gettin enough light. What do u guys think? its our first grow big time noobs. but i wana say they're doing ok? and another question.. all tyhe leaves that are growing now are great but some damaged leaves arent lookin like they're gonna get better. should i cut em? leave em? thanks a bunch guys rep+



Well-Known Member
lookin good Stack...Just leave the leaves alone. The plant will still use them as energy. Once their done with them you'll noticed cuz they (used leafs) turn real light in color and wilt. Thats when you can cut them off. Noob here too just read up alot on the posts and you'll become an amature in no time. Gonna take more cuttins tonite wish me luck.