Placing a Sponge at the bottom of the pot??????


Well-Known Member
No I don't see how and sponges are breeding grounds for nasty bacteria and molds... What would be the benefit?


Well-Known Member
Weather its benficial or not depends on how you plan to use the sponge.

For instance if your thinking of placing a sponge at the bottom of a planter ,then covering the sponge in soil & using standard soil growing methods i cant see any benifit,there may be negative side effects from incorporating sponge material in soil, like unhealthy bacteria,molds & such,water retention is another issue.

Now if your thinking of using a sponge & incorporating it using hydroponic growing techniques then the sponge can become extremely benifical,here's an example of a successfull application.

I grow flood & drain hydroponics,the grow medium was causing problems with humidity & such,we stopped using a standard medium like hydroton & others,we now use all natural sponges as the medium the plants root system lives & grows in.

We put a sponge in the bottom of the 5" net pots then insert the clone on top of the sponge,then put chunks of sponge all around the sides of the plant to stabilize it within the net pot,then any small gaps between peices of sponge are filled with heavy hydroponic gravel ,as well as covering the top of all sponge material with the rock,the heavy rock keeps any sponge from floating out of the net pot durring a flood cycle & keeps everything locked in place within the net pot,each 5" net pot gets about a hand full of hydroponic gravel & the rest of the net pot is sponge.

Not only have the sponges became benifical they are the best medium to use for my style of hydroponic growing.

If you plan on using this method be sure to use 100% all natural sponges ,they are the most pourous sponges ive found,this ensures the sponge does not become water logged & induce root or stem rott.