Plant Bit By Animal Almost Snapped In Half


Active Member
i went to check on my plant and saw that an animal had bit a little chunk out of the stem... and the plant was lying flat on the ground but there is still alittle bit holding it together.... so then i just dug alittle hole and took the plant right out of the ground.... the plant is almost 2 foot tall.
so now my question is... is there any way to save it? even now with less roots? or could i just dry it out and smoke it even though there are no buds on the plant.


Well-Known Member
wait so did you put it back in the ground yet? if not then the roots will dry up and the plant will die...if you can dig a another hole and the it down past the bite mark n it should repair itself..maybe could put some rooting gel/powder over the wound n ive heard its a great way for it to repair itself...but as for the root ripped some roots off when you pulled it? If you did dont worry too much lots of people have done that here, the plants just going to go through some shock n most likely repair itself as well...just no nutes for awhile n let er' do its thing...if your plant doesnt survive its most likely because the roots are so badly damaged it can feed the plant which therefor it will die...good luck!!

and NO you cant smoke the leaves with no mean you CAN but for what..a headache...?


Well-Known Member
yeah if u did that the plant should be juss fine juss keep a good eye on ur plant other wise u never know wat could happen