Plant dying as we speak, PICS anything helps!!


Active Member


there they are, anything helps im using the areogarden i dont have an air pump due to electrical outlet insufficency. my timer takes up 2 plugs, i just started flowering last week...

should i flush teh water and use no nutes for a week or what


Well-Known Member
have you cleaned out the system lately? you should deffinately get an air pump, but its an aeroponic system right? so the roots arent submerged? if so i dont see how that would effect it... sorry that wasnt much help.


Active Member
have you cleaned out the system lately? you should deffinately get an air pump, but its an aeroponic system right? so the roots arent submerged? if so i dont see how that would effect it... sorry that wasnt much help.

roots are submerged its the aerogarden, as seen on tv thing..but i have bigger problems, my light fell and knocked one top off and like 3 shoots so i managed to possibly take 2 clones from the ordeal...but i just changed the water with no nutes, hopefully that will help


Well-Known Member
kind of looks like mine did from lack of water.

but if you're using an aerogarden, i don't see that happening.

how's everything else? heat etc....?


Well-Known Member
dude if the stone in the aerogarden isnt working any more thats your problem, you need the stone to airate your water, without that here isnt enough oxygen in the water to support good root growth, this is a great way to get root rot fast... get an airstone in there and it will fix it...


Well-Known Member
dude if the stone in the aerogarden isnt working any more thats your problem, you need the stone to airate your water, without that here isnt enough oxygen in the water to support good root growth, this is a great way to get root rot fast... get an airstone in there and it will fix it...
Exactly what i was thinkin GF. Without an airstone, the submerged roots will drown indefinately. U must get an air stone fast!


Active Member
thank you guys!!!

getting a stone pronto!!!! but i chopped of one top, and 5 other branches when light fell so i have bigger problems...can a plant sustain that much damage?


Well-Known Member
I agree with the advice given. Those plants are drowning. More air ASAP. Don't worry about the damage. It will be fine.


Well-Known Member
yea man dont worry about the damage at all, those plants are resilient! hell you could cut off about 80% from the top of the plant down, leaving a little stub of a plant with maybe a few branches, it will grow back as if it were just starting over. hell if anything it will redirect the hormones for growth to the lower branches and make them grow more, giving you more budd sites.


Active Member
Thank you all for the encouragment and great advice if i had a better camera id show you how healthy the little new leafs look with the air in the water

Mucho amor a tí