plant dying


Well-Known Member
water it... and i'd consider reinoculating your medium if you're growing organic... i'd guess you're not though... good luck.


Well-Known Member
sorry mate buts the sight of that plant is enuff to bring a tear to a blind mans eye...surly u must have been keeping a schedual with her [water..feed...let dry out...water..and so on]buuuttt their is still time save her...


Well-Known Member
Growing organically, letting your soil completely dry out is the worst thing you can do. A lot of microherd has died as well as fine root tips. Reinocculate, use both bacteria and fungi. Then keep it moist the rest of the way. You never want to water to run off in organics either. You just want to keep the medium is a nice moisture level to support the herd.

Anyway, it needs water and I'm going to hope you've already done that at least.