Plant Problem


Well-Known Member
Hey all, Got a problem and i'll post in plant problems as well but i think more people check this forum. I have 3 NYPD's and 2 grandaddy purps goin. The NYPD's are great, 1 of the GDP's is great but 1 has a prob i cant identify. i thought it might be Mag deficiency so i have been giveing 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water of epsom salts every other watering. Problem is still here. I am 2 weeks into flowering and useing Canna nutes. (never had a prob with them in past) can anyone identify????



Active Member
so there is a leaf curling down and discolored crispy leaf edges (leaf margin?) Sounds like its not under watering, its not just wilting because its dry. it could be low humidity, nitrogen deficiency or too much of a certain nutrient. calcium and magnesiun deficiency happens a lot, if thats what the problem is there are plenty of ways to fix it


Well-Known Member
I think you need to quit using epson salt all together.That plant has too much of something and salt is salt.Flush and wait or flush and get some basic weak nutes to her quick.There are soo many good nutrients for sale on amazon nowadays.Best of luck...


Active Member
You need fresh, ph set, water with absolutely nothing in it for about 3 or 4 times a week for about two weeks. Make sure your ph is right and that you don't have too much heat.