plant stolen

yo guys today i went to go check on my first outdoor plant which was going extremely well, to see that this fucking faggot that comes to where our plant is took it. We talked to the guy before and he said since its only one plant he wont fuck with it, now i have to find the guy and kick his ass, im trying to send this guy to the hospital hes the biggest faggot.



Well-Known Member
Unlucky about the plant... but its your own fault.
You were fully aware someone knew the location of it, yet you continued to grow it there anyway.
One of the biggest rules in growing is secrecy.


There always next year man. Your pictures looked really good. Who ever took it probably won't even know what do with it so he'll just wasting his time. Now you know what do for next season. This was my first grow and I had many dilemmas including skunks tearing my plants up and mold eating away at my buds. Now I know what to expect for next season. And when you said "We" on your post im assuming you and friend were taking care of it. Thats a problem too, I did that this season, and we talked about it too much with others. So for next season try to go solo. Or at least solo at your grow site. Good luck and sorry for the bad news.
sorry to hear that but why keep the plant in an area where you know that someone spends time at, much less has seen your plant? i'm new to this site but the theme seems to be that if someone(friend or not) knows where you have a plant, that there is an extremely high chance that the plant will be ripped. people, don't tell or EVER show anyone your spot and if you suspect or know that someone has been creeping, move that shit asap, no exceptions!