plants just put in rockwool yesterday from cloner..lookin terrible overnight.


Active Member
heres some pics if anybody has any ides..there getting very brittle and dry feeling...look worse then they did yesterday... what is wrong with them?. or what isnt wrong with them? what can i do to keep them living? yesterday they were in a bag of water only when i got them

i put them in rockwool yesterday then today i flooded the table 2.5 inches with 10% nute mix of just a&b from house and garden. after the flooding 1 time the ph jumped to 7 right after.
room is 79 degrees
humidity is 30%
thanks in advance



anybody got a input? thanks
Did you condition the rockwool before using it? Also, as an after thought.... try some nute through the leaves in case your plants are having trouble absorbing them through the roots, they may be in shock for what ever reason (See question I asked).


Well-Known Member
get the humidity up to 70% if possible and fill in the gaps between the small cube and hole.. use loose rw that you pinch off or some perilite, hydroton w/e ... water heavy when transplanting.. use plain or 1/4 strength fert for the next couple weeks keep the rockwool moist but not wet. The aero clones have a very fragil root system dont break them. punch the rw hole in an extra inch so you can gently get the roots in without damage. if your using aeroclones in the future maybe switch to hydroton. I would also mist for the fist week. nevermind if not aeroclones.


looks like the beginning of a PH problem to me. You wanna be between 5.5 and 6 for young clones. You should also mist your clones right away after you put them in cubes. This helps them maintain precious moisture. Get your humidity up. If they are rooted, You wanna be between 150-300 ppm's until they grow a little larger esp after transplanting to a new medium. Anything higher can cause problems. Also try putting a dome over them to help them maintain moisture.