PLEASE HELP!!! HYDRO Q's!!!!! ?????


Active Member
Im attempting an NFT system for a few plants but cant seem to find much help. First, when I start my seeds in rockwool cubes 4x4x4 do I have them in the nutrient solution from the beginning or wait till sprouting or what? And also, do i just put the cube in the channel of water or do I have to set it in a net pot up out of the water a bit? If anyone has any grow journals on their NFT system then I seriously need to read it, havent found any yet! PLEASE HELP!!!:confused:


Well-Known Member
Why do you want to do an NFT system? I only ask because I did one before, a DIY system out of rain gutters. If you're looking to stay with something that size/shape, look into aeroponics. I had problems with my NFT system, once that rockwool cube gets to wet, it falls apart. No don't use neuts from the start. Put the cube in a shallow tube of water for 24 hours to let them soak, this will be the last time you want them as wet at they will be when you take them out. If you have the cubes with the holes in them, you should start the seeds in the smaller "rockwool plug" then put that into the cube.