please help with led lighting


Has anyone used the latest high powered LED grow lights?
I bought one for $550, 150 watt made by welthink and it didn't do the job, growed slow.
If anyone has used LED and got good results let me know what and where to buy them.
Looking to spend around $1000.


Active Member
save your $1000 and don't bother with led's. Havent seen 1 decent crop from them yet, also there is no way of testing the bulbs are the genuine article. Go cfl, or even better mh and hps


Thanks for the information on the LED. have you tried the VHO or HO? I have been looking at the T5 VHO 8 Bulb 57,600 lums.


New Member
Lots of dodgy LED threads and some of us getting a bashing for knocking them even in the slightest. It seems there are defenders of them all flocking together making it a real 50-50 split in those types of threads. There is a never a split in opinion when it comes to HPS. I think that says it all really.


Active Member
Hi, I am a beginner and I'm going to be a using a storage bin. I want to grow about 4to6 plants. The storage bin is 58qt 55l.I want to know if a can use a Reptile light that is a full spectrum 15 watt long ?