Please HELP!


Active Member
Ok, the last couple of grows I have been trying to grow 12/12 from seed and this same problem happens around this time. Ive tried using a different grow room, more lights, different soil.... But every time the bottom leaves begin to yellow and the only leaves that stay green are the very top and newest leaves.

Specs of grow

2 weeks 2 days old
5 days of 18/6

3 23 watt 2700k CFL
1 26 watt 6500k CFL

Soil- Unknown, although the same soil im using supported a out door plant that is growing right now.

2 fans

Nutes - Unknown, But a friend of mine has a uncle that is very experienced with growing and has given us some of his fertilizer to use on our own grow.

Water - Every 5 days

I used nutes once yesterday because I thought it might bring it back and it did a little, and yes the nutes are vegetative nutes.

What do I do?!?!?!?



Its important for me to say that I'm a newbie to all this but that doesn't look like a problem at all.

Are you saying that just the bottom leaves yellow and die? Because thats happened to every single 1 of the 8 plants I started this first time.
Those leaves on the bottom don't really have a purpose, its the fan leaves above them that grab all the light energy.

If I'm correct those leafs are SUPPOSE to die. As it looks like every othe leaf on your plant is green like it should be. Now if that fan leaves start to die, and it progresses like 2-3 nodes up the bottom of the plant, THEN you might have a problem. But looking at the pics that looks completely normal. I've even had fan leaves 6-7 nodes high yellow and die for no apparent reason, while every leaf below and above them stay green. Just keep at it I don't think you're doing anything wrong.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
try starting with 18/6 and let them things grow a little, then switch to 12/12 when your ready start flowering them and looking for sex (if not fems). and check your water's ph before and after mixing your nutes in. this was my girl at 16 days old.



Active Member
YOU HAVE NO LIGHT. Minimum wattage, only (1) 6500K, and you are running a flower cycle not a veg cycle. Why!
Veg cycle 27/7 lights.


Good point I had actually read that myself but it didn't even cross my mind. I still think however the yellow leaves are not due to that. My plants were started in the July sun and those bottom leaves were dead in like 2 weeks.
But he should absolutely switch at least 2 of those 2700k for the 6500k, without a doubt. Just considering how small the plant is right now I don't think its gonna be a huge deal. In another week or 2 however when it gets bigger he definitely should have more 6500k. So might as well just get them in there now.


Active Member
The only reason I have that type of spectrum of lights and light cycle is because im trying to keep this grow on the small side, ive seen grows that are started 12/12 from seed so i thought 5 days 18/6 would give it a little jump start. Soon after I figure out if this is male or female I will I have added plenty of lights and more plants. For now i want to see if I can do it because I possibly rushed into it before.


Active Member
I checked my 2700k bulbs wattage and i got them mixed up.

3 26 watt 2700k
1 23 watt 6500k

So if I get more 6500k CFL's should I go back to 18/6?


Well-Known Member
i think hes trying to sex them early thats the only explination i can come up with........and 24/7 light is good only at the beginning i like to add 1 houre of dark per week till i just decide to flower them..............thats me just me tho how many plants you got?