Please take a look at these pics. Something is wrong


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

So I started to notice the tip of the leaves on one of my plants was starting to get yellow spots on it, only on the fan leaves. There's a few possibilities:

1) I'm was using double the nutrients that the bottle (problend liquid stuff) recommends. I have been only watering with straight up water since as I fear this might be the cause of my problem.

2) Too much water. Since I'm only using 1 gallon pots I figured I'd supplement the size by watering it every 2 days, not letting it dry out at all. I've since started watering once every 4 days to try to correct this.

3) Bugs. I looked under a microscope and couldn't see anything moving so I'm thinking that's not the case.

4) Lighting. These plants are about 3-4 inches away from 24W CFLs, maybe that's effecting them?

5) C02. When I started noticing the problem I figure I'd add some C02 via pop bottle and active yeast and sugar. Since it's gotten much worse I removed the C02.

These plant have been flowering for 50 days so far so I'm in the final stretch of the race but they are not looking good. These plants are contained in cardboard boxes with hepa air filter on the intake and carbon filter on the exhaust. I have 2 seperate boxes, and the plants in my 2nd box are perfectly fine, they've been given the exact same water nutrients etc. as the others. Please take a look and throw out a guess as to what's my problem and how I can correct it, I'd like to get as much bulk in my buds as I can over these next few weeks.

Thanks for reading!



Well-Known Member
for starters major nute burn, why on earth would you use 2xthe rec. dose? Second, looks like temps are high in the box. what are the temps? 1 gal pots isn't big enough, you are root bound and probably root rot also on top of it, you needed to transplant weeks ago, not much you can do now. Try some H2O2 ( Hydrogen peroxide) mixed with ph water and flush the soil.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

So I started to notice the tip of the leaves on one of my plants was starting to get yellow spots on it, only on the fan leaves. There's a few possibilities:

1) I'm was using double the nutrients that the bottle (problend liquid stuff) recommends. I have been only watering with straight up water since as I fear this might be the cause of my problem.

Botannicare ProBlend nutes run on the max amount in their feeding instructions...... doubling it was the wrong thing to do!! Also.... the ProBlend nutes drastically reduce the PH (double what my Dutch Master nutes do) so if you doubled the dose I'm guessing your PH runoff will be around 4.7 :shock:

Yes leaves yellow during flower too... so it is too be expected... however your plants look like they still have a way to go and there's an awful lot of yellow leaves so I'm betting it is the Double Dose of nutes that did it.

Here is my suggestion......Give it a good flush (3x pot size) and let it dry out... then start with reduced dose of nutes... and only feed every other watering.

Good luck :D


Well-Known Member
Ya I'm using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow Organic Nutrient. The recommendation was for house plants, figured jane could use the extra boost. Temp is 70 - 80F with 60% humidity. I am probably root bound, but I don't have the space in the box for bigger pots, so it was either smaller pots or less plants. I seem to be getting about the same yeild as when I was using 3 gallon pots. Also I've kept the ground wet by over watering so I'd believe root rot too. I'd use Hydrogen Peroxide but I'm trying to stay chemical free (that's why I'm growing it instead of buying it) so I'm flushing with water. I'm using promix soiless dirt so there is no nutrients in that and that's why I figured it would be ok to go double.


Well-Known Member
That's a good idea. The only thing I can't figure is why the plants in the other box are perfectly fine. Doubling the nutes was a bad idea, rookie mistake, this is only my 2nd grow. By the way these are Jamacan and white widdow/mowie wowie cross in these pics. The pics with the hurting plants, 1 is a jamacan and the other is a G13 hash plant. However, her G13 sister is perfectly fine in the same box (tips of fan leaves are browning but that's about it)



Well-Known Member
Also, I live in a decent sized city. Can I flush straight from the tap or do I have to let my water sit for a day first like I always have been? (I heard sometimes there is chlorine in the water and to let it sit)


Well-Known Member
Let it sit for 24 hours, then PH it to 6.5. run 3 gallons slowly through the soil and let it drain out the bottom. Put plant under light and leave it alone for 1 day, check moisture every day, if its root bound it will go through water like mad.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

So I started to notice the tip of the leaves on one of my plants was starting to get yellow spots on it, only on the fan leaves. There's a few possibilities:

1) I'm was using double the nutrients that the bottle (problend liquid stuff) recommends. I have been only watering with straight up water since as I fear this might be the cause of my problem.

2) Too much water. Since I'm only using 1 gallon pots I figured I'd supplement the size by watering it every 2 days, not letting it dry out at all. I've since started watering once every 4 days to try to correct this.

3) Bugs. I looked under a microscope and couldn't see anything moving so I'm thinking that's not the case.

4) Lighting. These plants are about 3-4 inches away from 24W CFLs, maybe that's effecting them?

5) C02. When I started noticing the problem I figure I'd add some C02 via pop bottle and active yeast and sugar. Since it's gotten much worse I removed the C02.

These plant have been flowering for 50 days so far so I'm in the final stretch of the race but they are not looking good. These plants are contained in cardboard boxes with hepa air filter on the intake and carbon filter on the exhaust. I have 2 seperate boxes, and the plants in my 2nd box are perfectly fine, they've been given the exact same water nutrients etc. as the others. Please take a look and throw out a guess as to what's my problem and how I can correct it, I'd like to get as much bulk in my buds as I can over these next few weeks.

Thanks for reading!
bongsmilie low on ironbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
is there anything else I can do to help the plant? Like should I be clipping all the yellow leaves? If so do I clip the whole leave or just the burnt part of them? Should I be flushing the 4 plants that look perfectly fine as well? I stopped giving them nutrients about a week ago, just 2 waterings of straight water since.


Well-Known Member
H2O2 is not exactly what you would consider a chemical. all it is is water H2O with an extra O. H2O: H-O-H while H2O2 is H-O=O-H. which breaks down to 2H2O + O2

Also I use Pure Blend in hydro and I keep my ppm around 1200(flowering). I do not use the whole recommended amount, if I did my ppm would be like 2000!

You are lucky that it takes more organic nutes to burn your plant, otherwise it would be dead!


Well-Known Member
Just leave them be, clipping won't help anything. If the other plants are near harvest then yes do flush them also.


Well-Known Member
i would clean it up abit looks like u can jus pull da dead leave off wit no problem and i would far along r they:?::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
They are all 50 days into flowering.

G13 (the worst): Flowering Time: Indoor 60 days

White Widdow (unharmed): 8 weeks, but 10 weeks will really give you the crystals you are after.

Jamacan (the 2nd worst): Flowering Time: 9 weeks

BlueBerry (not too bad yet): Flowering Time: 8-10 weeks

Infact, I cut a bud off the white widow to sample it and I'm just about to pull it off the dehidrator and into the volcano.
So does the fact I'm only 10 days away change anything? Am I going to have to leave them flower longer because of this? I checked the triclomes in a microscope and they are still clear.


Well-Known Member
They are all 50 days into flowering.

G13 (the worst): Flowering Time: Indoor 60 days

White Widdow (unharmed): 8 weeks, but 10 weeks will really give you the crystals you are after.

Jamacan (the 2nd worst): Flowering Time: 9 weeks

BlueBerry (not too bad yet): Flowering Time: 8-10 weeks
NICE soundz yummy:bigjoint:do you know any good trust worthy places to get seedz


Well-Known Member
Shit. Its gotten much worss. I think the 2 plants are dying. About 50 - 70% of the leaves are brown right now. Should I crop it now and save the buds or let it go untill all the leaves are dead. The buds look fine now, its just the leaves that are dying but I'm afraid if I leave it too long the buds will die too. I'm distilling the water now so I can flush tommorow but I think I might be too late. Can I flush the good ones and crop the bad? Remember, we are 52 days into flowering now.