Post removed?


Well-Known Member
I made a post here yesterday introducing myself and had a couple of nice responses, and now I can’t find it. Just wondering if a moderator can let me know what happened to the thread.
Once again, I had some helpful and friendly responses to my thread yesterday and was looking forward to making some real connections. Not looking for sarcasm or snarky responses, bro.
I didn't see your first post and just saw you for the first time and just said welcome. I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. Remember, better days will come. Good luck and happy growing!
And my apologies if I mistook your response as being snarky. Just seems anymore that genuine people are very much the minority to trolls and negative people and I don’t have any tolerance for it. Just here to learn, share what I’ve learned, and play my part in showing respect for the plant. Yes, happy growing :cool: always!

Although I am newly returned to this forum, I spent hundreds of hours reading, responding, and connecting with some truly good people. Like any other forum people sometimes just up and vanish, I have been no exception. But I have a recently renewed interest in growing medication for myself and...the first thing I thought of was the RIU forums. I have found that most humans like to 'toot their own horn' and when it comes to our particular hobby...that can be a dangerous pursuit. Here at RIU folks are able to learn, grow, and proudly display their knowledge and talents with no fear of persecution from abusive government agencies and authorities.

That being is most unfortunate that like any other forum on the web the occasional 'troll' pops up here and there. But, RIU mods have always been in my experience very vigilant and speedy in their efforts to ban the idiots. So, hop on in... Welcome!