Prisoner Slave Labor Industry


Well-Known Member

Paying inmates $.17/hour.
Inmates handling ballots when they can't even vote.
Housing inmates in Communication Management Units. (alternative prison facilities)

You be the judge. Is this slave labor?
My opinion: Nobody in America should be paid less than minimum wage. Even an inmate if they are to work.


New Member
Well, I don't know ... I'm of two minds on this issue. Here's the counter point:

Those in prison have committed crimes against society and the tax payers.

Learning work skills instead of crime skills will help them get along in society once they are released. With that in mind, I see nothing wrong with them contributing to work ethic lessons while they are in prison.

While in prison, they get a free ride ... free heat, free air conditioning, free laundry services, free meals, free exercise equipment, free library, free TV, free basketball courts, free medical care including free prescription drugs ... even free toilet paper to wipe their asses with.

Considering that all of the above is at the expense of the taxpayers, and that they ripped off the taxpayer in most cases to land in prison, .17 cents per hour sounds about right to me.



stays relevant.
This is what I think we should be doing with illegal immigrants.

If you're not American why should you have the rights and protection of the American constitution?


stays relevant.
ViRedd, the way you're describing prison doesn't sound so bad... Aside from all of the hard core rape everyone else mentions.


Active Member
I have personal problem with this cause first everyone if prison isn't in there because they fucked the law or somebody. Did you know there are about 3 million people in our prison systems which is the most then any other country out there. Plus there are a lot of innocent people in person who have been fucked. If you got something to say to that then read the facts and come back. Also all I know is that the prison system is corrupt.

peace and 1love,



Well-Known Member
Luckily I do not know first hand...But I believe that the jobs are actually privileges, rather than mandatory labor. And the guys that do this, are glad to get out of their cells, steal some shank materials, and make a little money for smokes and ramen noodles. If they were paid minimum wage, they may be targets for the predators.

Now as for private for profit prisons...that sh!t is so wrong...the problem is we lock up people for victimless crimes and fill up prisons to 200% occupancy. 5% of the World's population with 25% of the World's incarcerated...Are American's really that much worse than the rest of the World, or is the U.S. turning into a police state behind a curtain of American Idol, patriotic country music, fizzy yellow beer...and religion.



Active Member
Luckily I do not know first hand...But I believe that the jobs are actually privileges, rather than mandatory labor. And the guys that do this, are glad to get out of their cells, steal some shank materials, and make a little money for smokes and ramen noodles. If they were paid minimum wage, they may be targets for the predators.

Now as for private for profit prisons...that sh!t is so wrong...the problem is we lock up people for victimless crimes and fill up prisons to 200% occupancy. 5% of the World's population with 25% of the World's incarcerated...Are American's really that much worse than the rest of the World, or is the U.S. turning into a police state behind a curtain of American Idol, patriotic country music, fizzy yellow beer...and religion.

watch this one towle

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

peace and 1love,


Well-Known Member
watch this one towle

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

peace and 1love,
In case the hot link show up...this is what I got now"<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"



Well-Known Member
I have personal problem with this cause first everyone if prison isn't in there because they fucked the law or somebody. Did you know there are about 3 million people in our prison systems which is the most then any other country out there. Plus there are a lot of innocent people in person who have been fucked. If you got something to say to that then read the facts and come back. Also all I know is that the prison system is corrupt.

peace and 1love,

yulp. and that's exactly why im against the death penalty. and i agree with wat someone previously stated... if they're going to work.. it should be voluntary and paid at least minimum wage.


Well-Known Member
I have personal problem with this cause first everyone if prison isn't in there because they fucked the law or somebody. Did you know there are about 3 million people in our prison systems which is the most then any other country out there. Plus there are a lot of innocent people in person who have been fucked. If you got something to say to that then read the facts and come back. Also all I know is that the prison system is corrupt.

peace and 1love,

Yeah but most of the people in their ARE guilty. And the ones who are not then that is a problem with the Judicial system NOT the prison system.

And there are different levels of prisons (ie: minimum security and maximum security)

The people in maximum security prisons who are there for violent offenses SHOULD be treated like slaves.

Fuck those peole, they don't even deserve .17 an hour!


New Member
I think I'm going to have to side with VI on this. People in prison are the first ones to cry about their rights being violated but how many of them violated other people rights?

A person in prison can get a free college education, I have to pay for mine in cash, they aren't paying rent, or food, or utilities, or for their own health care or medications.

If they want paid, they should be getting billed for their weekly expenses including food, laundry, rent, medical care, their share of utilities, etc.

Let's also not forget to take their fair share of federal, state, social security and medicare tax out of their pay as well. They want paid, they can pay their share of taxes too.


Well-Known Member
I think it should be pointed out that several topics were lumped together in the video as one, but they are not.

The prisoners who were handling ballots were from the county jail and may or may not have been convicted of a prior felony, so may actually have voting rights. They were "trustees" and were not forced.

Then the 17 cents an hour issue: Two separate issues were lumped together here by the makers of the clip. The 17 cents an hour: this was a company contracting with the state to use prison labor to produce private goods. The contract essentially pays the state for the use of the labor, and this is volunteer work. This is not private prisons, just the state trying to re-coop some of the costs of incarceration without going into the business of...slave labor...sort of. Then several clips of what I believe are sheriff Joe "the gestapo" Arpaio from Maricopa County, Az. He is a nazi prick.

Then the topic of CCA and private prisons, and the abuse at the hands of underpaid non-union prison guards with little oversight. These places are and were created for, the war on drugs, and are more likely to house a drug offender than a hardend gang member.

This brings to mind the related topic of the ties the juvenile system has with private for profit treatment centers used as alternatives to detention with the added bennefit of creating a statistic of juveniles seeking treatment for addiction to mostly pot, when they were actually seeking freedom and a diverted sentence. A couple of judges in PA were caught in a kickback scheme involving large amounts of cash and "agreed" to serve 6 years.



Active Member
Yeah but most of the people in their ARE guilty. And the ones who are not then that is a problem with the Judicial system NOT the prison system.

And there are different levels of prisons (ie: minimum security and maximum security)

The people in maximum security prisons who are there for violent offenses SHOULD be treated like slaves.

Fuck those peole, they don't even deserve .17 an hour!

So you saying sex offenders are cool:wall: I don't agree with this again go read the facts before you say anything.


Well-Known Member
So, lets say you ended up in jail over smokeing a joint...? which I believe is not unheard of over there....

What you need to understand is what goes around comes around, and their is always the chance that life changes and you are on the receiving end.

As far as I know your prison system is not for free.... they charge inmates as much as they can... going as far as selling off property etc. to recover costs.

It is a for profit business now.

I agree there are those individuals who should experience natures law for abominable acts, of which they are guilty beyond any doubt, instead of continueing to spread their satan spawn during conjugal visits.

Here is a good example of the opposite side of the scale,156798


Well-Known Member
So, lets say you ended up in jail over smokeing a joint...? which I believe is not unheard of over there....

What you need to understand is what goes around comes around, and their is always the chance that life changes and you are on the receiving end.

As far as I know your prison system is not for free.... they charge inmates as much as they can... going as far as selling off property etc. to recover costs.

It is a for profit business now.

I agree there are those individuals who should experience natures law for abominable acts, of which they are guilty beyond any doubt, instead of continueing to spread their satan spawn during conjugal visits.

Here is a good example of the opposite side of the scale,156798
Yeah, they need to lock up this guy for sure...I mean ballot porn is so distasteful...

Over zealous members of law enforcement and the district attorneys office are the real criminals...everybody else is just broke, trying to get high, or is pissed at their wife for being a whore...these miserable playground bullies should be locked up with the child molesters and rapists (not the ones who's girl friends moms had a vendetta against and the racist court system threw the book at...Georgia) and let them all fuck up each others lives, this is what gets them off.



Well-Known Member
"Then the 17 cents an hour issue: Two separate issues were lumped together here by the makers of the clip. The 17 cents an hour: this was a company contracting with the state to use prison labor to produce private goods. The contract essentially pays the state for the use of the labor, and this is volunteer work. This is not private prisons, just the state trying to re-coop some of the costs of incarceration without going into the business of...slave labor...sort of. Then several clips of what I believe are sheriff Joe "the gestapo" Arpaio from Maricopa County, Az. He is a nazi prick."

Well I know back in the day the prisoners grew much of their own food. Do you know why they stoped that (in Cali)?? Because private farmers wanted the buisness. So they said prisoners can't compete with private buisness. This only makes sence If i can legaly uses slavery (and make no mistake that is what this is) to compete with "free" labor I will blow it out of the water. But the people in power don't give a crap lets inprison more people get them working for us.

I say put them to work to support themselves with food, cloths and what-not but don't let them compete with the market thats wrong on several levels.


Well-Known Member
So, lets say you ended up in jail over smokeing a joint...? which I believe is not unheard of over there....
I don't know anyone that has went to jail for smoking a joint in the US, So I think you must be thinking of canada where I do such things have happened. A guy that I had dealings with went to jail for just passing a joint, for three months, i'm sure that some here know him also.

What you need to understand is what goes around comes around, and their is always the chance that life changes and you are on the receiving end.
Please tell me of your experance of being on the receiving end, and where your are from so that we can understand what you went through and why. Or is this just some metaphor your using to prognosticate your hopes and dreams.

As far as I know your prison system is not for free....
Its not, its for the long term incarcerated.

they charge inmates as much as they can... going as far as selling off property etc. to recover costs.
I wish it was like that in the US, although if an inmate does proscribed things they can take away their TV and other stuff for a while, some may not get to have sex with there wife or girl friend or not be able to play tennis ect..

It is a for profit business now.
Yes there are a few private prisons ran for profit as the goverment can't do anything as well as business can. But only a moron would think or say that [its a for profit business]. It is and will always be a very costly thing in every way. I think the US should send these criminals back to their own country starting with cuba than mexico, others like from europe, africa, asia, next, but a lot people in the US see it as just to cruel to send them to such horrible places. Me I just say send them back so what if the conditions are so bad.

I agree there are those individuals who should experience natures law for abominable acts, of which they are guilty beyond any doubt, instead of continueing to spread their satan spawn during conjugal visits.
I agree! Send them back!


Well-Known Member
I don't know anyone that has went to jail for smoking a joint in the US, So I think you must be thinking of canada where I do such things have happened. A guy that I had dealings with went to jail for just passing a joint, for three months, i'm sure that some here know him also.

I wish it was like that in the US, although if an inmate does proscribed things they can take away their TV and other stuff for a while, some may not get to have sex with there wife or girl friend or not be able to play tennis ect..

Yes there are a few private prisons ran for profit as the goverment can't do anything as well as business can. But only a moron would think or say that [its a for profit business]. It is and will always be a very costly thing in every way. I think the US should send these criminals back to their own country starting with cuba than mexico, others like from europe, africa, asia, next, but a lot people in the US see it as just to cruel to send them to such horrible places. Me I just say send them back so what if the conditions are so bad.
I was arrested and put in a paddy wagon and taken to jail in '94 in Kansas City, Mo for ~gram of the shittiest Mexican brick weed. I got bailed out...continued on the Midwest leg of the Dead tour. I found that the punishment for misdemeanor possession (I was not smoking when caught) could range from probation to 6mos in jail. Being that I had no job, did not live in KC and had dread locks, I opted not to make the return trip to court, as probation would be out the window.

A few years back I was stopped by the KHP on a trip through Oz about 75 miles west of a ticket, but no word on a failure to appear. The first ex used to work for a county sheriff before shacking up with a perpetual trustee, and ran my name and social and found nothing...karma for once?

Anyhow, do not kid yourself...most places in the US (especially red states in the bible belt) MJ is still very much illegal. Most states from a seed to an ounce is a misdemeanor, but not the kind in Cali where you get a ticket...the kind you get arrested for. I believe Az is still a felony for any amount, but not sure. Don't forget Marijuana is still clasified as a schedule 1 narcotic with no medicinal use...more dangerous than Cocaine and Meth.

We do have private prisons that by definition are for profit...they take the states their employees less than they are worth in order to make a profit, and they take it out on the small time offenders mainly for drugs and the petty crimes of the poor.

I am not sure where all the nationalist rhetoric came from...did we somehow switch to Guantanamo?



Well-Known Member
Well, After having worked in a prison for 10 years I have come to the conclusion that the current system is fundamentaly flawed. Prisons are a bad solution. I would prefer a more libritarian approach to law enforcement, which has its roots more in Saxon law. I would like to see crimes that have victims first off. Second, I would like to see more monitary solution to most crimes. Instead of the money going to the court system it should go to the victims. If you knew punching a person would cost you 1/20 of you yearly income or $1000 bucks whichever is more and it would go to the victim would you hit him? Well you might :) but you would be damn sure it was worth it.

Prison is nessisary I guess since we don't have the balls to just kill the worst of them. But most should never have to go to prison, monitary compensation would be enouph in all but the worst crimes. As far as Prison goes, you kill or rape someone the victim or the victims family should get to choose the punishment. Either monitary, prison or death. But if you want to put him to death a member of the victims family must carry it out or hire someone to do it. Why make some civil sevant have to carry that around with them. You got the balls to pull the trigger on another human being?

I hate prisons, economicly bad, but not only that they are a horrible enviroment. I would rather die then go to a prison. I worked in a state prison in California. We had Russians come over and tour our prison and they said they would send their grandmothers there to retire. Prisons send shivers down my spine. My prison was state of the art, humane, clean and profesional. It was still a horrible place I wouldn't wish on anyone but the most depraved.

I just think there must be a better way, there must be.


Well-Known Member
Give the lesser criminals fair justice, treat the psycho killers and etc. as animals.

Works for me. bongsmilie

Still $.17/hour in the US is slave wage. Whether or not it's fair to pay mentally unstable inmates 17 cents for working, or even let them work at all... I guess that's up to our justice system.