problem nutes.over water. under water or heat problem


Well-Known Member
hi i have 6 plants about 3 weeks old i added gh 3 part nutes 12.5ml of each bottle to 40lt of water and thats when things started to go wrong the plants have stopped growing some of them have yellow parts on leaves and are droopy and the biggest 1 has brown splodges and is totaly drooped down i cut the nutes in half but im not sure if it is a nute defficiency nute burn, over watering under watering or to much heat please help dont have any money for more seeds so if these die then i am practicaly stuffed for next couple of months


Well-Known Member
I'm a newb too but...... it seems like you either over watering or over feeding them. I'd water them real good to flush the access nutes and wouldn't water again for at least 3-4 days. You should see improvement. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
thanks yer i have read a bit now and i agree think it is nut burn with over watering i have a flood and drain and am using rockwool with clay balls and it said sumwhere to flood avery 4 hours and then they started drooping then i figured they needed nuts lol damn looking back at it its hell obvious owell made me get off my ass and build a better closet haha. i know ur new aswell but want to get sum1 elses opinion i just added another 30lt of only water to the res to dilute the nutes a bit more you recone it will dilute them enough? also do u recone i should water twice a day after flushing and then more frequantly as they start to look thirsty cause pretty sure if i leave them for a couple of days with no water wont they die? cause its in medium not soil sorry if not makig much sense its 1am