Purple Haze Problems Yellow/Brown Spots

i noticed my purple haze has a like a silver halo on 1 of the leaves a few weeks back then the halo turned brown and now i have spots of yellow brown spots all over my plants i know my ph is wrong i just got a soil tester and it was from 5.5 to 6.1 i know that is wrong my ph its ment to be 7 right ??? this is only my 2nd grow so im a nube i have a 105w cfl 6400k is that enougth for a 1 meter square grow room ??? and im useing bio bizz grow fert plus i think it might be nute burn because i only warter once every 3 days but it looks like its takeing ages for the soil to dry out its only 79f in my grow room is that ok ??? how can i get my temp up ?? put another light in ?? these pics were took quick on my phone im trying to get a camera to put better pics up but any help would be good :-)View attachment 1628330View attachment 1628331View attachment 1628332