Quantity smoked to growing ratio?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!

I was just wondering how many harvests you guys do per year and how much you smoke... (average per day)
Just wanted to know basic info (technique/lighting/# plants/space)...kinda trying to get ideas I guess...:joint:

I smoke around 1.5g of weed a day but I'm not growing yet...I'm guessing I'll see an increase in my smoking :P


Well-Known Member
that's a lot
you need 45g a month
say 50g
that's 150g per flowering cycle (take 2 week curing into account)
so if you need two rooms, one for veg one for flower you can do very nicely with 3'X3' grow with 400w HPS in flowering, and some CFL's for 150w or 250w MH for growing. With 400w and decent yield you can even get 250-300g which can last you five months so you won't need two rooms... but it's recommended anyway, at least for cloning.