Question about memory


New Member
At what age is it ok to smoke a couple times a week without fucking up your memory. Im involved in alot of things that i have to remember stuff in. Like in hunting i have to remember where decoys have to go and how to set them up. And im a construction worker and i have to remember stuff in that. Also im trying to learn alot about cars and i dont wanna start forgetting about it while im trying to learn it.

Im 16 at the moment. When is it healthy to smoke weed 4 times a week to get high and not stoned? Is it ok for me to smoke twice a month now? Not get stoned. Just high.


Well-Known Member
Need to go back to school and learn how to read, as it clearly states you have to be 18 to join this site. You know the box you checked saying you were 18? Yeah, that one.


Well-Known Member
It's just because it's illegal for you to be here and the site owner could get in trouble. By the way, Ive smoked for 15 years and my memory is fine.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
here it is kid.
as a smoker, and smoking 4 times a week you will defintaly have memory loss. Its not permanent but it is what it is, and if u cant adapt to it, then smokin isnt for u.


Well-Known Member
"memory loss", you cannot loose a memory. you never un-remember things. once something is remembered and retained, it is not forgotten, and as far as we know there is an unlimited amount of space for us to use for our memories, info, semantics, etc... where it is stored in your brain is something else, because it can be encoded and stored in an unreachable section, so to speak.