question about nutrients


Active Member
This is my 3rd time growing with this sytem. I grew g-13 the first time. second time was lowryder. Now I have 6 females that range from 20-24 inches tall in a bubble ponic system, underneath a 400w hps. Tempature inside the closet is about 88 degrees. The light is about 12 inches away from tallest plant. My leaves arent curling burning or anything. My plants look very healthy.

Every other time i have grown some plants ive changed the solution every two weeks. With these plants i was doing the same but here lately i change the solution and about a week later my reservoir is down to about a gallon of solution from six. My question is could these plants be using this much solution? Or is it way to hot and the water is evaporting out of the tank? I will take pictures if that helps. Also plants are about a week into flowering stage after 7 weeks of vegging.


Well-Known Member
Evaporation is at play a little with temps around 88, but chances are the plants are just thirsty. The bigger the plants, the more they will use. This is not uncommon, just keep the res topped off and you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Temps and humidity can go up and down and make a big,big difference on how much the plants use.

Monitor humidity.