Question About Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom


Can I mix the gallon of water according to the directions on the bottles ? Or is it best to cut the measurements per gallon in 1/2 or 3/4?


Well-Known Member
go easy on the tiger bloom it can burn. as far as the big bloom load them fuckers up on it.

Edit : but dont go over the recomended i use 4 tbl spoons of big bloom every other feeding i go through the shit way to fast.


Yep, totally agree. Take it slow in the beginning. And work your way up, just don't overload the soil bed, run pH'd water through every few waterings.


Well-Known Member
i just flushed mine for the first time its probably a good idea totaly agree. im running beastie bloomz also hitting them with around 900ppm. im around 24 days into flowering now. using fox farm oceon forrest mixed with 1/3 bag of perlite and 1/4 bick of coco i dont know the sizes of them off hand and am to lazy to go check right now.

the 900ppm is mixed though definatly go really easy on the beastie bloomz if you use it. tiger bloom i put around 3-4 teaspoons per 2 gallon's and the big bloom i just fill two shot glasses/measuring glass full.



Well-Known Member
also start them off very slow youll know when your plants are getting ready for full doses i waited till mine reaches about 3 and a half to 4 feet before i started truelly feeding. when i began i was around 350-400 ppm. work up slowly and dont over due it i pushed mine till they had a little burn on the bottom leaves than flushed them out and dropped the dose a little to make sure they could take it.


I mixed the gallon of water with 1tbsp of the big bloom and 1tsp of tiger bloom . Should I have added more of 1 than the other or did I overdo the Tiger ? Gonna feed the girls tomorrow so I still have time to add a little of one or the other. Thanks for all the advice it's very much appreciated.


Approx 2 weeks into flowering. I shoulda prob started with the Nutes sooner but had heard that Ocean Forest had everything I would need already in it. No Love I don't have a PPM meter I've been avoiding buying equipment to avoid wife aggro. But if it's a must have then I guess i'll have to break the news to her.


Well-Known Member
Its not a must have but it is nice knowing whats going in. i got mine off ebay for under 15$ i think. are you 2 weeks from actually seeing bud or 2 weeks from 12/12. If your two weeks from switching to 12/12 hit them with a very small amount of tiger bloom and load up on the big bloom. your tiger bloom is chemicals but the big bloom is organic and very weak. it says to put a cup of big bloom in when you hit flowering but go less thats a bit excessive and the shit runs out so fast.

Ocean forest is excelent soil. im very pleased with it. how big where your plants when you put them in, and also how old? Age and size will also play an importaint role on how many nutes you want to use. i could only get mine to 34 days of veg before they hit 16 inches and that's basically my cut off for flowering because of the tent. Do some research on strains if you purchased seed. One of the nice things about a PPM meter is you can dial in nutes for your clones and once you work with a strain for an extended period of time, you can get near perfect results.

Im working with 8 strains this run but got a nice amount of clones from the Exile, Super Lemon Haze, Blueberry, and Acapolco Gold. its a bitch trying to keep the canopy even.