question for the cfl crew


Well-Known Member
in in my fourth week of flowering. runing hydro organic
12/23w cfl in a 3x3 space.

i was woundering when i should start to see some resin production.:weed:
the buds are looking fine as hell, nice and solid buds, but no sticky sticky.
is it to early?

looking for the rollit up cfl crew to give me an insight on the subject.



Well-Known Member
keep up the good work, you should start to see sum soon.

i would try to place more cfl's around the sides of them babies tho. helps bush 'em out, plus more light to the buds might jump the resin production up.

if you want, you could try snipping the very tips of the leaflets around the buds. this will shock the plant and send thc resin to the buds and surrounding leaflets that you snip. this equals lotsa resin.

nice pistils, tho.


Well-Known Member
thanks surf i didnt think that they looked to bad for bag seed that wasent that good in the first place. but im hopeing that it'll change. now whats this tech. about cutting small leaves around the bud? explain it a lil more please.

i cant put any more cfl's in there my temp is already in the low 90's,
what about some 18'' flourestants on the sides?


Well-Known Member
im going to go with the small t5's on the side next time aswell, i have 6 23w in a SMALL space temps mid 80's


Well-Known Member
the resin production is very strain specific, some strins throw it out from the fisrt sugar leaf other you dont see it build up until very late in flowering, just keep your conditions right, you mentioned your temps are in teh 90's that is probably the reason for your slow progress, IMHO although having alot of light is good, when you have so much light that you compromise other important aspects of your envioroment, you are being counter productive, if your air temp is to high I can only assume your res temp is also to high, either upgrade the ventilation or find more efficient lighting perhaps 6 42w bulbs


Well-Known Member
I would try your hardest to get those temps down into the low 80's. I am running 8 23w CFL's and a 150w HPS in a 2x3x8 closet and I stay around 75.


Well-Known Member
heres the update: ive murdered two plants that werent showing signs of flower. freed up some room. added a 50 cfm fan. and even with the fan im still running in the low 90's but i just installed it and its only been a hour so maybe itll take the temp down i hope. ill post a pic later today.

lets hear some feed back please!


Well-Known Member
i added the 50 cfm fan yesterday, its a bathroom exhaust fan, its suppose to handle a room 60 sq foot.

the temps after the dark time has gone down to 85-88 deg f
im hopeing that the temps will start to go down as it gets colder out side, and i know to run my lite times during night hours next time, im afraid that if i change the lite times now that it affect my harvest more than haveing added heat.
unless changing now wont hurt them i addded a thread like 3 weeks ago but never got any comments on the subject, so i left it.


Well-Known Member
ive got a pc fan and some holes drilled for freash air inliet at the bottum of the grow room, problem is i cant cut any holes anywhere in the house for cool air venting.


Well-Known Member
the resin production is very strain specific, some strins throw it out from the fisrt sugar leaf other you dont see it build up until very late in flowering, just keep your conditions right, you mentioned your temps are in teh 90's that is probably the reason for your slow progress, IMHO although having alot of light is good, when you have so much light that you compromise other important aspects of your envioroment, you are being counter productive, if your air temp is to high I can only assume your res temp is also to high, either upgrade the ventilation or find more efficient lighting perhaps 6 42w bulbs
how many member strongis your crew are yous going to take it over


Well-Known Member
in in my fourth week of flowering. runing hydro organic
12/23w cfl in a 3x3 space.

i was woundering when i should start to see some resin production.:weed:
the buds are looking fine as hell, nice and solid buds, but no sticky sticky.
is it to early?

looking for the rollit up cfl crew to give me an insight on the subject.
I bet if you had a magnifier you would see them, do they smell good?:lol:


Well-Known Member
im starting to see little bits of sugar on the bud leaves, but it s not alot.
and there isint much smell . yet? ive got to get an updated pic up


Well-Known Member
are you adding molasses that helped mine also its supposed to increase thc stuffs by using a uvb reptile light on them 30 mins a day. it makes sense to me seeing as how the only reason thc exists is to protect the plants surface from uv rays


Well-Known Member
i cant find the pic, but i had a full sized fan for exaust on my first setup. i ran five 270w equiv. cfls and 4 100w equiv. cfls. i just cut a 10" circle in the top of my box and set the fan over it. it sucked all the heat out of there no problems. i kept my temps in the low 80's. im not sure what the cfm was though.

about the snipping tho, just take a 1/8 inch off of each leaflet around the buds as long as the leaf is at least a half inch long. just make sure you use sterile scissors.


Well-Known Member
......also its supposed to increase thc stuffs by using a uvb reptile light on them 30 mins a day. it makes sense to me seeing as how the only reason thc exists is to protect the plants surface from uv rays

thats dope.

what wattage would you recommend?