Questions about left over leaves


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have a bunch of stems and seeds from buying sacks from the last fews months or so and i have a bunch of leaves and stems from growing. Can i make anything out of this. My freind said i could make some butter out of this and make brownies. Is this true if so how could i do this. Any advise would be helpful thanks


Well-Known Member
You could try it, what have you got to lose? I haven't done it since I was in high school, but I just gently sauteed the bud & leaves in some butter, then made a smoothie with that. The butter hardens when it cools off, though, and then it kinda sticks to the roof of your mouth and I REALLY don't like that. It's like eating a spoonful of lard.

As for doing that with the seeds and stems, personally I think you're better off composting that stuff.


Active Member
I would not use the seeds for anything. but if you boil the stems for a few hours you can make some stem tea. You need about 5 ounces of stems. I actually have a pot on the stove right now with a half pound of stems boiling in it for tomorrow. The tea will taste bad so I add a few regular tea bags after Ive straned it and alot of sugar. Dont boil it hard just get it to a boil and then let it simmer..BE ADVISED!!: This will stink up you house! But it works!


Well-Known Member
Really? You can catch a buzz off of it? Can you add lemon, or does that change the chemistry too much? I LOVE Southern-style iced tea, tons of sugar and lemon in a really strong brew.. mm mm good. 8)

There, we answered you! :D


Active Member
Depends on how much stems we're talking about. If you have like an ounce, then you could make like a half a stick of butter.

grind the stems into a fine powder, and then saute it with the butter in a frying pan. Use unsalted butter! :)


Well-Known Member
why is that no one ever helps me on here everytime i ask a question am i not making sense or somthing??????????????
Hey booty you can buy bubblebags on line get the 1 gal size. They make great hash with left over trim, leaves, stems. Cold water and ice. Lots of stirring. Go to youtube and type in bubble hash. If you want to buy bubblebags goggle fresh headies bubble bags. They work great. now you got an answer.


Active Member
Is there anythingyou can do with the leaves that I prun off my plants? like I know you can make hash, but what about other stuff with the leaves? and should I dry them out, and how do you store them? thanks for the tips, just to let yall know my tea came out very nice thank you


Well-Known Member
do you even need to ask what should be done with the seeds?

I recommend mixing the seeds with 4 parts soil one part water and leaving them in the sun.

trust me, you'll love it.



Well-Known Member
Both stems and seeds can make butter, just grind em up and you know the deal. Seeds actually are housed right near the buds, so they have some serious THC on the outer casing.. also very healthy!~


Active Member
How should I store the trim from my plants? Should I dry the leaves out, or should I freeze them. Right now Im freezing them, I tried to dry them out but the l;eaves got gross smelling, so I threw them away started over. I have about a pound of trim in the freezer, but Its everything. All the trim from my plants I keep, except the nasty looking stuff, but does it matter what I keep? I read somewhere that only the "good trim" is worth anything. I dont know how to tell what the good trim is, I started to collect only the 5 or 7 pointed leaves and the stems, I plan on making hash but, what if all my trim is bad, and I dont get as hash?