Quick question about purps +REP


Active Member
I just got a "The Purps" clone, and I heard that if the temperature is lower, then the plant gets more purple, I was just wondering if that is true or not, thanks.


Well-Known Member
purple genetics are weak, plants dont grow good in cold whether thats why they turn purple, grow the purple like any other green bud most real purple strains will grow purple on their own, also compost teas and most bloom fertilizer will give ur buds color, if ur gunna drop ur temp do it about 3 weeks prior 2 harvest let room drop 2 40-60 degrees every nite, alsokeep humidity levels in cheak dont want mildew, good luck though


i have heard that most strains will show a little purp, or blue, if the night time temps drop 25 degrees lower than the daytime temp. Its a stresser on the plant, but i've been thinking of doing it to my ICE strain. MMMMMMMMM purple ice.


Well-Known Member
purple grows like any other weed but in my oppion their slow and stay short yeild is low good luck some purps are killer make sure u get the right kinds and grow em rite, thier more difficult then commercial strains, peace


Well-Known Member
u can tell the resistency 2 cold wether by seeing wich plants purple up and whitch ones stay green the longest i love green bud!