Quick Question

Sorry if this has been asked before, I searched for it and couldnt seem to find anything in relation to this.

Feel free to delete after answered.

I have 6-Plants in flower under a 6-bulb T-5.
I have 2-Clones that are separate (obviously) under some cheap CFL's.

During the day when the lights are on in the flower tent,
Can I put those clones in their with them to get the extra light?

They would be pulled out before the lights go off and back under CFL's but just curious if putting them with the flowering plants would do any harm to them or vice versa?

Just thought that the T-5 put out more light. Maybe I should just leave it how it is and allow all the light for the flowers. I know a T-5 isnt optimal for flowering.

Any opinion? Either way, would there be any harm with having non flowering plants around flowering plants? They are all females.


Active Member
Move em at will.. unless you jar the shit out of them, it will be more of a pain in the ass for you, then them They will probably love it, they like semi indirect (until they can take the real thing) ambient sunlight and direct overcast too. I often stuck mine in the 12 12 room 'for the day'....

I mean as long as we are talking rooted cuttings.. if you have brand new ones, keep em under those CFL


Well-Known Member
seems like you could do it. ive wondered the same concept before, but more extreme. from cfl to hps.
however... most CFL's of decent wattage will have just as intense of light as a T5 or more. so you may not be getting as lot more light on them. adding a couple more/or stronger cfl's may not be hard or expensive either.
I originally started with 6 Clones.
Those 6 Clones grew to lovely ladies are now 3 weeks into flower.
Well long before these plants were ready to flower, I took 6 Clones from them.

First time ever taking clones. 45 Degree angle, Rooting powder, scrape some of the stem, split the stem, you name it, it probably happened!
They were in a dome. Misted every so often. And eventually just looked like pure hell. No clue why.

I didnt give up on em and just let them do their thing. Well once the ladies went into flower I could no longer stick the clones in the tent (they seemed to like that more than being out of the tent under CFL's in a dome) So I had to make shift a nice little rubber maid grow box to keep them in while the ladies got to flower.

Out of the 6 clones, two survived, and are now rapidly growing. They are both in 1Gal Nursery pots but tomorrow ill be transplanting into 2-Gal smart pots (final pot). They are growing great but my box is too freaking small for them at this point so during the day they just chill next to my desk with some CFLs hanging above em. I got 4 Bulbs per the two. I have more CFL's to accommodate which I can use on them but its a pain at night (they are in my bedroom, with my tent (flowering) So when 6pm rolls around my flowering ladies are sealed up, lights out in the room, and the 2 clones under cfls get back in the box the lid hangs about a foot above it holding the cfls and a blanket wraps around them to keep the light down so the wife and I can sleep. (talk about fire hazard now that I explain it)

ANYWAYS, EXTREMELY long story short, I wanted to put them with the rest and let them be open during the day. I feel like they are.. I dont know.. Closed in a lot? Lonely? Sad? They look amazing but just feel weird with make shift things keeping them how they are haha.
The babies in the rubbermaid container, with the blanket around. (tent on your left :p)

Those are the two survivors. There is two in there in solos that will be going in the trash tomorrow. The lid with the CFLs, is supported by 4 Bamboo poles in each corner that are being held in Solo cups filled with coco :p. There is a PC fan on the left bringing air in.

Also I didnt mention that I cloned these directly into straight coco. Thats how the ladies in the tent are as well. (straight coco)


Active Member
Man.. I don't know if this helps.. I'll post it again, I've posted it before..

This was my veg room for the longest of times..

High tech light..

High tech 'mobile' room (any spare space works) ...

Perfect light and height for one 2-3 gallon pot if you LST (tie em down) until you are ready to veg.

This was all under that light, off in this corner, that corner, whatever you need to do.. ya know?

For the tiny space I was using that was the perfect plant/height/veg... all under the two cfl's (and like you, sometimes move em here and there, ambient room light, occasionally the window if it is summer and I'm cleaning or out for a few days)

If that gives you any ideas.. if not, worth a shot.. like I say, do what you have to.. the plants go for the ride stellar.. it's fine to move them around daily as long as you 'leave em alone' and don't over do it as much as possible in the other ways that really matter.

If I had your plants, I would be tying them down to get all the new growth kicking in for many colas.. but that is just me and my preferred methods.