Quitting weed for now, need advice for supplements


New Member
I've been smoking since a teen. In FL we have legal medical weed. I quit weed last year too, deciding it was too much money and every time I run out of weed I go through a withdrawal that lasts over a week, and I don't think I feel quite completely normal until after a month. Now I've been able to smoke the past few months, without ever running out due to my donations of plasma helping me resupply. But even after reupping at least an 8th or a quarter twice a week, I still managed to run out of weed after starting the month with 6 jars- and its not even the first yet!

This proves my theory that sustained smoke is next to impossible. I'm on SSI and foodstamps, the government cheese doesn't let me enjoy this at its pricing. If quarters were always $15 (theres cheap ground quarters for $25 or even $20 at up to 22% THC usually).

Even after covering all angles in an effort to try and sustain my smoking habit, I still failed to really make it work. Its a big money sink; the plant doesn't get me high like it used to, its usually such a neutral feeling I can't even say it helps my anxiety all the time (yes even Indicas).

Basically I've tried everything but weed effects my depression and bipolar and my wallet. I can't even smoke a joint after a detox without the jones coming immediately right back. I can be around people who are smoking, even have d8 distillate in my room in front of me when I was suffering really bad D8/HHC detox last year, because I've just stopped seeing the joy in the money spent on this plant. People who don't experience THC withdrawal don't understand what this cycle is like repeating for 2 decades. Call it detox, call it psychosis, call it withdrawal, call it "all in your head", I stick to my guns that my own biological brain punishes me with backlash every time I try to cope through weed.

I'd just like to know of supplements and things to help me with my every day self struggles; Nootropics and things that help the mind. I struggle with motivation for things like painting. I'm anxiety prone and so caffiene and energy drinks are really hit and miss- I think supps like G-fuel gave me the cleaner energy and focus than coffee. Pre workouts too.
veronica i know how it feels to not have alot of money and trust me cannabis these days is expensive as frick! last week i purchased 3 grams of rosin from my local shop and it cost me 100 dollars lmfao

this week i said fk that i went through a illegal delivery service and i got 14 grams of bho for 105 tip included :)

it sucks buying things illegaly because you dont know whats in it you dont know who made it and what they made it with

but legally i get 3 grams for 100 of rosin, illegaly i get 14 grams for 105 of bho.

also flower bro screw flower. when i smoke flower i smoke a 8th a day. when i smoke wax i smoke a gram a day :) and i get 14 grams for 105 so thats 2 weeks of smoking for 100 dollars!

if i was smoking flower i would need 14 8th's for 2 weeks and each 8th costs me 25 dollars thats 350 dollars lmfao!!!

maybe try growing your own? can you grow were you live? or try switching too wax instead of flower if you can find wax cheap in your area like i can? :D good luck boss man
Sounds like it’s more about the wallet?? No way to grow your own? A lot of really easy options with very little inputs. I’d say for average indoor homegrown you can produce a pound for about 200-300$ not including an initial light/ tent.
its sad that you are experiencing withdrawals and anxiety. sometimes weed is not for everyone, psychoactive stuff like thc can aggrevate underlying problems.

usually when i feel so much anxiety i do shrooms as its the most calm and peaceful trip i ever had everytime i do. the great thing about shrooms i experienced is that i dont even want to smoke or do shrooms again for sometime after the experience. like for weeks i will not even feel a desire to use anything. but if you have underlying conditions that might not be for you either.
Sorry about your condition ( " been there , done that " ) . If your head isn't in the right place, that weed can really exacerbate your symptoms . My alternative was sipping on a few glasses of wine . It really tamped down that shit . Those dark winds blow on everyone. You're willpower will get you through that mess !
Dont look at it as quitting, look at it as a break.

In my experience, quitting is a million times easier when its a choice.

You dont have to quit, but youre making a responsible decision to stop for now. If you can internalize that, it might help.

Constant stimulation, be it music, podcasts, or audiobooks helps aswell. Just focus on whatever it is youre listening to while going about your day.

I would also recommend growing as a hobby. If you can hold off smoking until you have a harvest, you will get a very special kind of high that only comes from growing your own. I love growing much more than getting high. I take weeks or months off smoking at a time, but I have never quit growing by choice.
i've dealt with really bad anxiety in the past, so bad that i was on zoloft for about 16 months. it was giving me terrible stomach cramps so i weaned myself off of it. i cannot speak highly enough about meditation and breathing exercises. truly this is the only thing that has helped me literally change the way i behave whenever i'm feeling that unease come on. i took a meditation class in 2013, it was 6 weeks, once a week. literally saved my life. i wanted to stop treating the anxiety and start preventing it from spiraling. meditation and breathwork was the only solution. now i can enjoy weed again; before i thought it was causing my anxiety so i quit. but now i only smoke when i'm already in a good headspace. i think the problem for a lot of folks is using the weed to stop the anxiety...but for me personally, if i'm in a negative headspace, smoking makes it worse.

as for supplements, i have friends who swear by st johns wort, chamomile, and LOTS of direct sun exposure in the early morning hours to increase your vitamin D.
i've dealt with really bad anxiety in the past, so bad that i was on zoloft for about 16 months. it was giving me terrible stomach cramps so i weaned myself off of it. i cannot speak highly enough about meditation and breathing exercises. truly this is the only thing that has helped me literally change the way i behave whenever i'm feeling that unease come on. i took a meditation class in 2013, it was 6 weeks, once a week. literally saved my life. i wanted to stop treating the anxiety and start preventing it from spiraling. meditation and breathwork was the only solution. now i can enjoy weed again; before i thought it was causing my anxiety so i quit. but now i only smoke when i'm already in a good headspace. i think the problem for a lot of folks is using the weed to stop the anxiety...but for me personally, if i'm in a negative headspace, smoking makes it worse.

as for supplements, i have friends who swear by st johns wort, chamomile, and LOTS of direct sun exposure in the early morning hours to increase your vitamin D.
To add to this, there's a couple simple tricks that don't require a whole lot of effort.

I do 6 second breaths in and out my whole commute and occasionally on break at work, and it levels out my anxiety and ADHD. Youtube has some good tutorials on different breathing methods, but "Breathe" by James Nestor is a book that elaborates on the whole topic of breathing and the concepts behind different methods. If you have amazon prime, or can create an email for a free trial, I believe you can get a free month of audible and one or two book credits (free book purchases)

I really can't recommend the book enough.
Sounds like you have some regular old depression.antidepressants can help but are really bad if you stop using them.other than that probably change your life.what you have now doesnt make you happy.