Racism at its finest.


Well-Known Member

Thousands of blacks rioted on South Street in Philly,Only assaulting whites.
It doesn't technically say they only assaulted whites in the article but I know allot of people who were there and that was the main reason for this.Im just glad I wasn't there because there would of been allot of homocides to read about in this article.The media also dosn't classify this as racism which is also bullshit and even a blind person could see this was racially motivated.Im sure if this was the other way around with whites rioting and beating blacks this would be WORLDWIDE news.Its still hilarious though.I have a feeling its gonna be a long summer in Philly.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member

Thousands of blacks rioted on South Street in Philly,Only assaulting whites.
It doesn't technically say they only assaulted whites in the article but I know allot of people who were there and that was the main reason for this.Im just glad I wasn't there because there would of been allot of homocides to read about in this article.The media also dosn't classify this as racism which is also bullshit and even a blind person could see this was racially motivated.Im sure if this was the other way around with whites rioting and beating blacks this would be WORLDWIDE news.Its still hilarious though.I have a feeling its gonna be a long summer in Philly.
OH really

and the people that told you this was white and also some of the people attacked........just fucken great


Well-Known Member
Nah the people who told me this were all black.I dont know many white people around here.
This is all another good reason to own firearms.


Active Member
main reason for what? I am confused why they did this, it just seems like they wanted to be idiots. The article doesn't really give a lot of information and i thought it said no injuries were reported?


Well-Known Member
main reason for what? I am confused why they did this, it just seems like they wanted to be idiots. The article doesn't really give a lot of information and i thought it said no injuries were reported?
to be dumbasses and beat the fuck out of white people lol.It talks about the injuries towards the bottom.I still think its hilarious im gonna try and get out to the next one,This is like the 3rd one that happend

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
hey area 51 has a space ship that is blue
....now i know the government has never comfirmed this
but there's a guy i know that say's he has a great uncle that works there, not in the area where the ship is kept, but in another area where the guy who did see it was overherd talking about what he had saw
............... BLUE.... thats crazy


Active Member
Yeah well, thats just the society we have to live in. Black people can be racist all day any day and get away with it and they know it, but as soon as a white guy says something that can be seen as racist (even though it might not be) all hell breaks loose. Whatever, I just keep my head out of it

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
come on dude read between the lines here
i just went throught all the pics
so one white guy that look like he fell off his skateboard not beat by all the blacks i so
trust dawg i kick teeth in
fall on the ground
i aim for that face
that kid is making that shit up
not one photo shows a white person getting beat up
just mobs of blacks
loks like they were parting to me


That 5hit

Well-Known Member
and if you zoom in to the back of that photo
you see what????
a white person walking down the street
not laying on the ground fucked up
why not? because YOU R LIEING


Well-Known Member
come on dude read between the lines here
i just went throught all the pics
so one white guy that look like he fell off his skateboard not beat by all the blacks i so
trust dawg i kick teeth in
fall on the ground
i aim for that face
that kid is making that shit up
not one photo shows a white person getting beat up
just mobs of blacks
loks like they were parting to me

I really didn't want to think this turned out to be was racially motivated attacks but it definitely turned out to be.There was youtube vids of people getting fucked up lol but they got removed because terms of use violation.And people screaming black boys,burn the city and bring baseball bats lol.In the video descriptions they said white people aren't gonna shop on south st no more lol.
He might of been fucking with me or something idk.It probably started as a big party but some dickheads turned it into this.I still find it pretty amazing this many people can organise themselves through twitter and shit.To bad it turned out like this.Im really surprised nobody got killed

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
come on man really
you see a gang of black kids and you say they are hunting for white to beat up
but no one was harmed
other then a pizza delvery boy
noone windows where broke
no vandals no nothing
dude you are wrong for what you are doing
you are trying to make a race issue when there is not one
you want to see a thread get out of control piss off a black person over the internet
that some wild shit you on
those kids were partying, look at how the females are dressed
your making shit up
that's no sign of a riot

let me ask you . be honest why are you doing this


Well-Known Member
come on man really
you see a gang of black kids and you say they are hunting for white to beat up
but no one was harmed
other then a pizza delvery boy
noone windows where broke
no vandals no nothing
dude you are wrong for what you are doing
you are trying to make a race issue when there is not one
you want to see a thread get out of control piss off a black person over the internet
that some wild shit you on
those kids were partying, look at how the females are dressed
your making shit up
that's no sign of a riot

let me ask you . be honest why are you doing this
lol i aint trying to piss off no black people on the internet.Im not close to racist.You obviously think I am but im not gonna try and convince you im not so fuck that.It probably started out as a party but turned into this shit.I know people who were there and they told me what happened.There was allot more then 7 or how many people they described were fighting.I made this to see what others opinions were on it like yourself is doing,You think it wasn't,I think it was.
Anybody else got an opinion?

Im not gonna sit here and argue about something as stupid as this.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Im not gonna sit here and argue about something as stupid as this.
hold on
ist this why you started this thread
i'm all the way in chicago
and i no what bull shit smells like
and its comeing from your end of the pc

your way wrong for this
i read the artical and looked at all the pics
and watch all the video
there were no black on white crime happen here
not saying that doesn't happen but just say
the shit you posted doesn't support a race crime


Well-Known Member
That wasn't the video I seen.The one I was showed was someone on a roof with a bright ass light shining down on a group of 4 people stomping the shit out of somebody hahahaha.Im not trying to make races fight eachother either.If thats what this starts to turn into I'll just ask for it to be closed or something.I still think this is hilarious also.