Well-Known Member
june 2016: gunz are for shooting cruel and arbitrary politicans!

august 2020: [after enabling and collaborating with 4 years of indisputably cruel and arbitrary governance]
why are protesters trying to murder me by shouting at me
it was all staged too. that pussy ass bitch lives in dc and has a car service, he chose to walk through the protesters hoping to get yelled at so he could then shit himself and faint and say they tried to MURDER! him
it's so fucking pathetic. makes bugeye look brave by comparison

august 2020: [after enabling and collaborating with 4 years of indisputably cruel and arbitrary governance]
why are protesters trying to murder me by shouting at me
it was all staged too. that pussy ass bitch lives in dc and has a car service, he chose to walk through the protesters hoping to get yelled at so he could then shit himself and faint and say they tried to MURDER! him
it's so fucking pathetic. makes bugeye look brave by comparison