

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Man I can't wait for the summer, no outdoor raves in winter here.
Allthough the scene is much smaller and more intimate over here.
I am not in physical shape to do much raveing, but I try hey :)

Its just the ambiance, the people, the costumes. I thrive on mental stimulation like that, and come home on somewhat of a cloud after.
Occasionaly I even make a new diciple there.


that would be so annoying having all that on your arm. trippy clothing is pretty cool but that just seems weird haha


Well-Known Member
i dont rave or anything but i really enjoy the people and the music. and maybe its just me but getting laid at a rave is never very hard. haha. im definetly a fan man.


Well-Known Member
true mescalinebandit RAVE is all about music, lights, drugs and yeah sex thats why it is so fun