Rebuild: Mother, Veg and Clone area


Well-Known Member
Did some changes to my mother, clones, vegging area. I'd been using two cabinets like this that I picked up at Home Depot that measure 24" wide, 36" tall and 15" deep.
Loaded Cab 10-29-2007 6-27-47.JPG

I was having to move stuff around too much and wanted to use less light for mothers and starting clones.

Here's my new arrangement. I'm reusing one of my original cabs and picked up a taller cab at home depot that's 24" wide x 15" deep x 72" high.
Two cabs 9-5-2011 6-45-06 PM.jpg

This is the inside of the mother cab. Instead of 1x55w compact T5 I'm using 2x14w T5.
Mother Cab 9-5-2011 6-45-23 PM.jpg

Here's the inside of my new cab. The top area is for starting clones and the bottom section is for vegging. I posted the build over in the DIY section.
Clone and Veg 9-5-2011 6-45-51 PM.jpg

The veg area has the same 2x14w light configuration as the mother cab but since I'm only using 2', the rest can be devoted to the vegging area.
Clone area 9-5-2011 6-46-05 PM.jpg

The veg area with my 3x55w compact T5 hood. Now with 4' of vertical space.
Veg area 9-5-2011 6-46-19 PM.jpg
I personally dig it, yet how light proof is it on the outside is what im wondering?

Also, what did you use for ventilation?