Recommend a fan for 2.3x2.3 tent


Well-Known Member
Is oscillating fans needed or will just a stationary fan work?

Do I need more than one fan?

what size diameter is recommended?

will a tower fan be best?
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For exhaust any 4in in-line fan will do, in such small spaces just a strong enough exhaust can can create enough air movement. Your tents probably 40 maybe 50cuft, 4in exhaust fans mostly pull 190cfm so you’ll have total air exchange like 4 times a minute.
In your tent any fan that's not blowing right on them will work. Right over the canopy and get a torpedo type fan you can put in the middle and blow at the floor and let the air rise thru the plant gently
For exhaust any 4in in-line fan will do, in such small spaces just a strong enough exhaust can can create enough air movement. Your tents probably 40 maybe 50cuft, 4in exhaust fans mostly pull 190cfm so you’ll have total air exchange like 4 times a minute.

I already have a 6” AC Infinity inline running on low speed.

What I was talking about was fans that move the air around, wasn’t sure if I really needed oscillating or if cheap stationary fans work. Didn’t want to spend 100 bucks on 2 oscillating fans when I can get non oscillating for 2 for 40 bucks if they will be fine.
I'd get pole oscillating fans they'll be off the ground and out of the way. Tilting them to whatever angle it's needed. What I use in my 3x3. In that small space you'll only need one for plants in veg may need 2 for later veg and flower. I say two because once they grow a floor or low placed fan may not push air through the taller parts of the plants as well as youd want. depending on how much heat the light puts off you can throw another above it to help keep it cooler
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