Reusing soil


Well-Known Member
Would it be ok to reuse the same soil ive already used if I made sure to flush it out well
i at one time chucked all of my old soil from my grows into my gardens........BUT not the economy is turning bad...and cant afford to buy great soil over and over.....Have used the exact same soil in three grows now and noticed no difference.....flush it and maybe add some fresh soil mix into it.....should be fine for personal use.



Well-Known Member
Get some enzymes and add it to your used soil. I use AN's Sensizym - though I've never tried reusing my soil.


Active Member
If you have the means to purchase soil, then I would do so. I don't reuse soil because of the possible diseases that may be passed on to the next grow and to me, it's not worth taking the chance of loosing much of my harvest for the price of some new soil.