root rot possiblity?

hi there i need some help okay so im deciding to do a sog grow with the hempy bucket method in 32 oz styrofoam cups, and here is my problem i am using a 400 hps light with no ventilation in a 3'x5' closet and i was wondering wat are the chances of root rot in this method plz help me becuz i dont want to start it unless im sure that it wont mess up on me thnx for any input
i did many grows in the closet before but with dwc bucket and it worked fine but this time i want to try out the hempy bucket after i have read many so great result from it


Well-Known Member
i did many grows in the closet before but with dwc bucket and it worked fine but this time i want to try out the hempy bucket after i have read many so great result from it
o ok well do wut u do, also man if ur not tryna fuck up AT ALL u will, i mean come on now u kno something is gonna happen. like too many nute on accident or for got the lights on or u kno im just sayin im pretty sure ur gonna have a few mistakes weather they are little ones or or one huge one,just go for it and wen it comes to that time then just fix the problem on keep on growing, but thats just me
