Rubbermaid stealth grow


Well-Known Member
Okay so here it is:

My finalized plan for my grow box is to use the rubbermaid tubs. I have a hood for a light for a lizard so I'm going to put a higher watt CFL in there for above the plants (both of them) and I'm going to keep a Y bracket on eaither side of them:

ex. < > = y brackets | = high watt CFL from above

< plant | plant >

Sound like enough light to start? Once it starts to srpout up I'm just going to add more Y bracket set-ups to account for height.

I'm going to put 2 fans in the top of the box, one inside to circulate air, and maybe one on the bottom for intake. Other than that I think I have everything figured out.

edit: the lights on the sides will probably be lower watts, I have the warm/cool light situation figured out, I just have it written down in my grow book and I don't have that with me
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