Sativa (White Widow) Need help identifying problem!


Temp: Usually stays between 72-78
Age:19 days into Flower
Strain: White Widow
Soil: FF Ocean Forest/Perlite
Nutes: FF Big Bloom
Lighting: 1x250 hps
Problem: Lower Fan leaves are yellowing a bit with brown tips and they tend to hook downward. Some of the tips of the leaves around the lower bud spots are starting to yellow. Symptoms aren't to bad at the moment. I just gave it its first dose of bloom nutrient about 3 days ago. Any guidance would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Flowers going yellow on the lower parts of the plant during flower is normal. The plant knows it no longer needs them and just cuts them off. I wait till mine are very yellow and then I cut them off being careful to cut by the leaf and let the stem die off and fall off on its own. The longer in flower the more you will seee this happen. I have two in flower for the last four weeks and I have cut off at least 15 between the two and they are very healthy.