SCROG in growbox question!!


hey i have never used a scrog before and i just had a couple of questions that i didnt see in the walkthroughs. if i have the 8-12 inches of space between my pot and then screen as recommended, how high thru the screen with the buds grow when it is fully flowered? im asking because im trying to do this in a fairly small grow box. basicallyi need to know the max and min veritcal height im dealing with im doing it properly


I have four 6500 26 watt cfl bulbs.. i'll switch to 2700's when its time to flower. here is a pic of my box... think i can do a scrog in there? its two ft tall and about a foot and a half wide.. im thinking of getting a shorter but wider pot... then maybe putting the screen 8 inches above that pot... still kinda worried tho... :sad:



It depends on the strain, lights etc. How limited is your grow space?
I have three different strains to choose from, super lemon haze, jack herer, and an autoflowering strain called cyclops. I really want to try the the jack, but i dunno if there is a huge difference between them, any ideas help.


Active Member
You dont need a pot that big for all the bigger your box is. i would reccomend using a tray type pot, that will give you a few more inches of vertical grow space. Thats a cool little setup though. my box is almost the exact same size, only about ten inches taller. im using 115 total watts of cfl's mixed spectrum. im one week into vegg. Im subbed and curious to see how your grow goes. Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
Those are some heavy sativas youre planning on growing. Generally sativas tend to double or triple in size once you switch to flowering so better account for that, with indicas the stretch is less profound (cca 50-100%). If you go with the sativa, then a limited space might be troublesome. Maybe do the autoflower first as they tend to be shorter (typically, but some can surprise), the cyclops is a cross with lowryder from what I read so should be pretty low in height. Autoflowers are also in general more resistant, so you might use it as a practice grow to test the setup and new techniques before attempting to grow a sativa which has a high light requirement and long flowering (sativas require more light than indicas as they are usually equatorial strains where they have adapted to high light intensity conditions).

good luck and happy growing!


You might want to consider tying your plant down at is grows so instead of growing up, it is growing sideways (aka lst - low stress training). What I did was drill holes every couple inches around the rim of the pot, then as the plant grew, used string to tie the plant in a circular pattern using the holes. The buds are gonna start growing upward like tops also, but the screen you mentioned should help control that - just tie them down, too, if they get too unruly. I don't think a screen alone is going to control the plants growth enough. Also, as you tie it, prune any leaves that end up having direct contact with the soil to avoid rot and other problems. Your plant will be getting plenty of light so won't miss the occassional leaf.

Good luck bongsmilie