SCROG vs More Plants? First Grow


I just ordered 15 fem Pineapple Express seeds from G13 and should be receiving them shortly. This will be my first grow and I am still undecided on the method I want to go with. My setup will include the following:

4'11" x 4'11" grow tent
2 600w aircooled w/ reflectors
Waterfarm hydroponic system

My question is would I be better suited doing fewer plants and a Scrog, or more plants and just letting them grow vert? I really want to maximize my yield in the space I have, but I am also concerned that trying to scrog on my first grow may be taking on too much? I don't want to overcrowd, so any suggestions on maximum plant count (for both scrog and non scrog) would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
It might be best to stick to a vert grow for your first time because most people screw up their grow the first time. Scroging is some what of a more advanced technique so you should have one grow under your belt before you try it. You could also try a Sog (sea of green) grow since you have 15 seeds. But as for yield, all methods can give you the same yield depending on how much time and effort you are willing to put in.


Yea I was thinking the same thing about scrog. Eventually thats what I want to be doing, but I think for this first grow it would be better to KISS. Well with a 4'11"x4'11" do you think I would have room to plant all 15 at once or would it better to do 6-8 at time and let them have more room to grow?


Active Member
well it depends on how much time you want to spend on the grow. You could do all 15 in a SOG style grow and only veg for 2-3 weeks or you cold do a normal grow with 6-8 and veg for 4-6 weeks. its all preference in the end. With a SOG its less grow time but same yield as a normal grow which takes more time but would save you some seeds. Also if you want to do a scrog, id suggest four plants but your looking at 6-8 weeks of veg time to fill out the net.


Well-Known Member
id grow 4 at a time. learn first your going to have prob and learn. id veg them for4-5 weeks and after 3 maybe top them and play around with ting them down and get a fell for the strain learn its nut up take and get a handel on the ph. id also start soil.